Chapter 45

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Kimberly's pov________________________

The next morning, after spending the night in Kol's old bedroom instead of Elijah's. I heard voices talking downstairs. Rebekah has caught me up, a lot happened again. Kol died. Killed by Jeremy with a White Oak dagger. 

I went downstairs and saw Nik. The first time I hadn't seen him since he was supposed to be "Dead" 

"Nik" I smiled. 

"Hello, little hunter" Nik smiled at me as we hugged. 

"I'm happy you're alive" 

"Me too... Now, let's get down to business" Nik said and sat down. I noticed at the table that Elijah and Bekah were also seated. I took a seat next to Bekah. 

"Elijah, being human means a fresh start. I can grow old and have a family and fill my days with meaning, knowing that each one matters" Bekah said.

Nik chuckled in amusement. "Well, that was poetic"

"Well, if you can provide us with a more compelling reason for wanting the cure, Klaus, please" Elijah said.

"Silas can appear as anyone. He got inside my thoughts and convinced me I was dying. He will torment me until I give him the cure"

"And in doing so he'll break down the wall to the Other Side" Bekah said.

"So it doesn't trap him there when he dies. He wants to reunite with his lost soul mate. You of all lovesick fools should applaud his devotion" Nik said. Elijah and I glance at each other, the minute I look into his eyes, I look away. 

I may be ok with us being with different people over the years we were separated, but we were married, and he slept with my sister of all people hurt. It's not like I go around sleeping with his siblings. 

"He will open the floodgates for every supernatural being that ever died" Bekah pointed out. 

"Including our dear brothers, Kol and Finn. We'll have our family back" Nik said. Trying to appeal to Elijah's mortal to have a whole family together. 

Bekah scoffed. "Please, you hated Kol and you kept Finn in a box for most of his life"

"Elijah, please" Nik looked at him with a smile. Clearing thinking Elijah will be on his side. 

"Your personal discomfort might not be sufficient reason for putting the entire world in jeopardy, Klaus" Elijah's words made Bekah smile and Nik frown, then he turned angry. "I think our sister deserves a shot at happiness"

"Tell me your joking. Tell me you're not dating me to an eternity of torture" Nik said.

"I made my decision" Elijah said.

Nik got up and leaned into Bekah's ear. "When you're sick and dying and you beg for my blood... I will laugh in your face and compel you to forget me" Nik stormed off. 

Bekah cleared her throat. "Where is the cure?"

"Rebekah... It's no secret that you are impulsive, emotional... and at times, morally questionable. Prove to me this isn't just another one of your whims. That you know precisely what you are giving up here"

"Fine, anything"

"I want you to live a day as a human. This day. No vampire privileges. No strength, no compulsion, no nothing. You succeed, and you still believe this is what you want... the cure is yours" 

"Easy. She'll be great at it" I said for encouragement.

"Let's go get Elena, we can prom shopping for tonight" Bekah said.

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