Chapter 6

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Kimberly's pov____________________

"Jeremy, go check on Elena. Make sure she is ok" Stefan tells him, Jeremy nods running back downstairs.

"Let's all make sure poor Elena is ok. Just a little bit more pressure, and..." Katherine cut into her hand and Stefan slapped the stake out of her hand.

Katherine quickly picked it up and held it over her stomach. "This is really going to hurt" 

"Wait" Damon said and she stopped before she could stab herself. 

"No, keep going" I smirk as Stefan and Damon glare at me for a moment before turning their attention back to Katherine.

Katherine smirks and takes a seat. "Ok. So how about that moonstone?"

It was quiet between the four of us for a while. 

"The four of us together just like old times. The brother that loved me too much, the brother that didn't love me enough, and the sister that let me take her man, twice" Katherine smirked at me knowing who she was talking about. 

"And the evil slut vampire who only loves herself" Damon commented.

"What happened to you, Damon? You used to be so sweet and polite" 

"Oh, that Damon died a long time ago"

"Good. He was a bore"

"Oh, why don't you two stop antagonizing each other" Stefan cut them off.

"You people are pathetic..." I said.

"Where's the moonstone?" Katherine asked him, ignoring me

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"Where's the moonstone?" Katherine asked him, ignoring me.

"What do you want with it?" Stefan asked.

Katherine smirks. "Does Elena enjoy having both of you worship at her altar?"

Damon and Stefan look at each other. "That was desperate, Katherine. Don't you think that we could see right through you?" 

"So it doesn't bother you that Damon is in love with your girlfriend?"

"Oh, stop it" 

"Or what? You'll hurt me?" Katherine stood up. "Come on, Stefan. Everything that I feel, Elena feels. So go ahead. Or better yet... kiss me, Damon. She'll feel that too" 

"You know, this whole Mason thing has me a bit confused. Why a werewolf? The moonstone can break a curse that would help them destroy all vampires. So, what's in that for you?" Stefan asked her. 

"Sorry about your pet wolf. You should have kept him on a tighter leash"

"I'll have to remember that for next time. He's not the only wolf in town" 

I glare at her. "Don't even think about it" 

"Parker would make a great wolf" 

"Damn it. Where's that witch?" Damon asked.

Kimberly PierceOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora