Chapter 54

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Kimberly's pov_____________________

It's been four days since Richelle was turned into a vampire. I've explained everything to her. In the beginning, she took it really hard. But in the last couple of days, I think she has been dealing with it. 

My friends know I am safe. Whoever that woman is-- We still don't know her name-- But she let me have my phone back. 

I reached out to Elena and she told me that a 2000-year-old witch messed with Stefan's brain to reach Silas and now he can't remember his life. Apparently, Stefan is a doppelganger to Silas. And she also told me Bonnie died bringing Jeremy back to life. Which sucks for her and Caroline.

We sat in the hotel room as she was feeding on a blood bag. "So, tell me about your old life" I said.

"Not much to tell. My mother died in childbirth, my father died when I was 10 years old. I've lived with my Uncle and his family, but they treat me horribly. I ran away to live with my friend Jade. She wanted to meet up at the bar. That's why I was there" 

I felt bad for her, losing her parents and not having a stable home.

"Sound familiar, doesn't it, Kimmy?" Katherine smirked at me. I glared at her in a way to tell her to shut up.

"What does Katherine mean by that?" Richelle asked.

I signed and looked at her. "It means our parents weren't the best either" 

"How long have you been a vampire?" 

"We have been vampires for over 500 years" Katherine answered.

"Wait, when were you born?" Richelle looked at us in fascination. 

"We were born in 1473 in Bulgaria" I tell her. 

"1473?" Her eyes widen. "You must have seen the world?" 

"We have" I nodded my head. 

"You see, I'm older by human years, but Kimberly is older by a day in vampire years" Katherine said.

Nadia came back into the room after a heated phone call with Silas. 

"A little tip, woman to woman. Don't piss off the diabolical ones. And if you're gonna hold us hostages, at least you can feed me properly" Katherine said.

"We'll eat lunch on the road. Let's get out of here" 

"Or just hand me over. Let him take his little sip of my blood so that he can cure himself of immortality and we can all be on our merry way back to finer accommodations"

"A little tip, woman to woman. Don't offer to hand yourself over to the diabolical ones when you don't know the whole story"

"What's the whole story?" I asked confused.

"Silas needs more than just a sip to cure himself. He needs every last drop of your blood in your body"

Katherine turned angry. "But I'm human now. If he did that, then--"

"You die. Now come on. Let's go" She grabbed Katherine and dragged her out as Richelle and I followed them into her car. 

We drove for a while when we came across a small restaurant. We stopped so Katherine could eat.

An hour later we all sat there waiting for Katherine to finish eating. 

 "I've been tailing you for 500 years. There are a few things I'd like to clear up"

"Why would I tell you anything?" Katherine asked.

"You indulge me in some answers and I will let you and your sister and the child go" 

Kimberly PierceWhere stories live. Discover now