Chapter 85

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Kimberly's pov_________________________

I woke up and Elijah wasn't next to me. I walked around the compound and found him in the study room. 

"What's on your mind?" I asked.

At first, he didn't say anything, he threw the book from the desk onto the floor.

Nik walked into the room. "We should be celebrating your return, brother"

"Perhaps later" Elijah said.

"Hayley's still not talking to you, then" Elijah shook his head. "Give her time, she'll come around" Nik said.

"Will she?" Elijah asked.

Nik told me that Hayley pulled him out from his red door, I've never seen it, but she has. 

Bekah walked into the room. "All right, can we please pit moratorium on all of this sulking? It's a lovely day, the Hollow is dead and my brother and sister are back. Much to the joy of custom suit tailors everywhere, not to mention me... I've had to admit, I've missed the Quarter. I'm going to"O make you take me out to hear some jazz" 

"Sounds like a great idea, Bekah" I said.

"Might I suggest you enjoy the city's charms while you still can? Marcel will want us gone posthaste, as per our agreement" Nik said.

"Or perhaps he's changed his mind and he will grant us a reprieve" Bekah said.

"He will grant us no such thing. We're going to meet with him to discuss the terms of our departure" Elijah stood up.

"I suspect he simply needs to be asked nicely" Bekah said. "You boys should really leave these matters to me" Bekah smiled and then left the room.

Nik then walked out of the room.

"So, where shall we go?" I asked him. "Where should we take our family once we leave New Orleans?" 

"We shall go wherever Richelle and Natasha wish to go" Elijah said and he took my hand, we walked downstairs to see Nik and Hayley talking. 

"Klaus, we need to have a very real conversation about what's best for her" Hayley said.

"Yes, there are a couple of conversations that need to happen, but we're late" Nik left the compound and Hayley turned to us. She stared at Elijah for a few minutes. She looked like she wanted to say something but just walked away.

"Let's go talk to Nat and Richelle" I pulled Elijah to Nat's room. Inside both Richelle and Nat were reading. 

"Hey girl" I said.

"Hi mom, Hi dad" Nat smiled at us. 

"We wanted to talk to you..." I said then looked at Elijah to continue. 

"Now that the Hollow is defeated, we were wondering where you would like to live?" Elijah asked the girls.

"Hold up, can Jasmine come with us?" Richelle asked.

"Of course she can" I nodded my head. 

"I want to see New York" Richelle said.

"Yeah, let's go there" Nat said with a big smile.

"And I know you want to go to school, be with kids your own age, I'm sure we can find a school for you to attend" I said to Nat then I turned to Richelle. "And I know you want to go to university, I know there has to be some good school near" 

Elijah's phone rang. "Excuse me" He left the room. 

"And you're sure this is where you want to live? 'Cause I know Aunt Hayley and Uncle Nik are taking Hope somewhere else" I said.

Kimberly PierceWhere stories live. Discover now