Chapter 75

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Kimberly's pov__________________________

The next day, Elijah and I went to the clock tower where Freya was held up.

"Hayley is gone? You need to get her and the baby back here immediately" Freya said.

"When Dahlia has been defeated. For now, they are safe" Elijah said.

"Nowhere is safe from Dahlia, and we will have no chance of ending her without that baby" Freya said.

"What are you saying?" I asked confused. 

"Dahlia is protected by a powerful magic. We have collected items that represent her vulnerabilities-- Sacred soil, the ash of a fallen viking, the blood of the witch who broke her heart"

"Yours" Elijah said.

"Yes. Now, I will use these ingredients to create a killing ground where Dahlia will be rendered mortal, but we need to lure her there, Elijah"

"Are you suggesting that I position my niece as bait?" Elijah asked and Freya didn't respond. "Oh, how wonderfully convenient. To offer the strategy when Niklkaus has been removed"

"Klaus cannot be reasoned with" Freya said.

"You can't honestly believe that I will allow you to do this" Elijah said.

"What I believe is, you will make the right choice, for Hope. There is no other way to keep her from the miserable existence I endured, one of slavery under a tyrant"

"Of course, if Dahlia does die, you will also be free of that tyranny-- No more running, no more hiding. So do not insult my intelligence by painting your actions as selfless" Elijah said.

"If you will not bring Hayley back here, I will find Hope myself, and, as I said, there is no other way"

Elijah and I left Freya and went to Rousseau's to see Cami. When we walked into the back room where she was she looked relieved to see us.  

"I left you a dozen messages" 

"Family crisis" I said.

"Have you spoken to Klaus?" Cami asked.

"Well, briefly. Before I put him to sleep with a dagger, words were exchanged" Elijah said.

"No. Elijah, Klaus didn't kill Aiden he just took the blame because of some inside dictator's edict about making people fear him" 

Elijah and I looked at each other knowing it was Dahlia she was referring to. 

"Nevertheless, had I left Niklaus standing, the very army protecting Hope would have revolted" Elijah said.

"But you can't just leave him like that while his daughter is in danger" Cami said.

"Please. Your feelings are clouding your judgment" I tell her. 

"My feelings?" Cami looked confused.

"We're not fools, Cami. We see the way you two look at each other" I said.

"Although I valued our time together at the safe house, make no mistake I was in your head as much as you were in mine" Elijah said.

"How long as you gonna leave him like that-- five years, ten, a lifetime?" Cami asked.

"Till Hope is safe. Now I need your help" Elijah said.

After Elijah explained things to Cami we went to the Jazz club where Bekah had to stay.

"What good's a Jazz club with no bloody jazz" We hear Bekah ask.

"Do you mind? I'm trying to reverse a very complicated sacrifice, but then you whining about Jazz is not helping me" We hear Vincent say.

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