Chapter 87

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Kimberly's pov________________________

year 2025

It's been seven years since I've last heard from Elijah and Nik. Bekah and Kol call once a week.  

Hayley and I moved back to New Orleans four years ago. At the same time, Richelle said she and Jasmine would be moving in together and they left to go live their lives. 

Hope is now 15, Nat is 14 and Richelle is 28 years old. They grow up so fast.

Right now, Freya, Hayley, Josh, Vincent, and I sat at the bar and the waitress brought over our drinks. 

"Ok, guys. If these don't prep your liver for Mardi Gras, then nothing will" 

"Eh, my liver was probably dead before I became a vampire, but thanks, Poppy" Josh said.

Poppy, the waitress chuckled then walked away from our table.

"Ok. So we should probably get back to Mardi Gras prep" Vincent said.

"Oh, come on, Vincent, we got this. All right? It's gone off without a hitch for, what, seven years now?" Josh asked.

"Josh, that's because we haven't taken it for granted in seven years. Let me remind you: moments of prosperity are invariably followed by times of great pain unless we remain vigilant" Vincent said.

"Thank you, Mr. Buzzkill" Freya cut in.

"Ok, Freya, what got, Mardi Gras prep?" Vincent asked her. 

"The witches will be working on their float in the City of the Dead" Freya said.

"The werewolves in the Bayou" Hayley said.

"Josh?" Vincent said.

"Hmm?" Josh said humming, not paying attention. 

"This is when you're supposed to say that the vampires are gonna steer clear of both" Vincent said.

"Yeah. Uh, actually, maybe we should offer them some sort of incentive" Josh said.

"Seven years of peace and prosperity not enough?" I asked him.

"Well, it is, but we could always use more daylight rings" Josh said looking at Vincent. 

"Is this a negotiation, Josh?" Vincent asked. Josh's phone went off and he checked it. "Marcel?" 

"First of all, reading that was very rude, and second--"

"Josh, I don't know how many times I have told you that what goes on in this city is no longer any of Marcel Gerard's business" Vincent said. Only because he left the city to be with Bekah. "Ok? A-and, guys, this is what I'm always talking about. Marcel means Rebekah. Rebekah means Kol and Elijah, and I don't even want to think about Klaus right now, 'cause apparently, he has lost his mind"

"Oh, come on, we don't know if those rumors are true" Freya said defending her brother. 

"I know that we need to make sure that they stay as far away from this city as possible. And Freya, I'll be Mr. Buzzkill if it means reminding everybody here of the magic that those four carry inside of them. If we just put two of them in the same place, it is a ticking bomb" Vincent said.

"Relax. Ok? Marcel's in New York with Rebekah. Elijah is..." I couldn't even finish my sentence. 

"In amnesia-land" Josh said.

"Right, and Klaus is wherever Klaus is these days. We're fine" Hayley said.

"Declan sent these over" Poppy brought over a plate of food for Hayley. "To tide you over until your date tomorrow" 

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