Chapter 53

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Kimberly's pov_____________________

The next day, Elijah and Hayley haven't returned. No surprise there. Nik and Bekah are working with each other to take down Marcel.

I stood outside as a car pulled up. Diana, Chase, and Raphael came out.

Diana vamped over to me and hugged me. 

"Seriously, a letter? That's how you say goodbye?"

I chuckled as we pulled apart. "I'll admit, that wasn't cool"

"After we got your letter, we found Raph and went to Mystic Falls to find you, but you weren't there" Chase said as he and Raph approached. 

"I'm so sorry guys. Come in and let me tell you everything" We walked into the living room and we all sat down. 

I told them everything. 

"Ok, so. This werewolf girl, Hayley. She is pregnant with Niklaus's hybrid baby?" Rapheal said in shock.

"Yeah" I nodded my head. "And I've notice the way Elijah and Hayley look at each other. And I don't even want to imagine what they are doing alone in the Bayou together" 

"Why are they out there together?" Chase asked confused.

"Nik bit Elijah as punishment for accusing him of using his child's blood to make more hybrids" 

"He can do that?" Diana asked in shock.

"Apparently" I shrug my shoulders.

"How about a road trip to Mystic Falls?" Diana asked. "It sounds like you could use a little getaway from Elijah and Hayley?"

"Sounds good. Nik and Bekah are doing their own thing, so why not"

I texted Nik I was leaving town for a few days and he said it was fine. 

It took us a day to drive to Mystic Falls.

We arrived at the Salvatore house and we entered. Everyone was already invited in so no one had to get stuck outside. 

"Hello, Stefan? Damon? Elena?" I called out. A few minutes were quiet until I heard someone behind me.

Diana gasped in shock. "Kim. Look" 

I turned around and saw Katherine. "Kitty. How nice to see you"

"Hi, Kimmy. What are you doing back here?"

"Just came for a visit" 

"Well, you've missed a lot. Silas is here, he trapped Stefan at the bottom of the ocean in a vault somewhere. I'm going with Elena and Damon to find him" 

"I heard you're human again... How does it feel?" I smirked.

Katherine rolled her eyes. "It sucks. I've tried drinking vampire blood, but it doesn't work" 

"How sad for you" Diana said with fake sympathy. 

"Why did you bring your gang of vampires?" Katherine asked as she glared at Diana.

"I was the one who turned them-- Except for Rapheal-- They are my sire and they listen to me" I said.

"Oh" She smiled. "Look at you, taking charge... Here's me doing the same. Let's go, Damon and Elena are upstairs"  

"You three stay here" I said as Katherine and I went upstairs. 

"Should I go see if we have a crystal ball? Maybe you can conjure up an address" Damon said to Elena.

Katherine and I leaned against the door frame. "Route 29. Joe's bar" Katherine spoke and Damon and Elena turned to us in shock. "I think I had the exact same dream"

Kimberly PierceWhere stories live. Discover now