Chapter 8

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Kimberly's pov____________________

It was the next day and I woke up with a really bad headache. Elijah wasn't in the room. I took it as a chance to escape.

I get off the bed and rush toward the door, pulling it open, ready to make a run for it, but Elijah is standing there. 

"Trying to escape?" Elijah looks at me amused.

I sign irritable, sitting back on the bed.

"We are going out, I found where Miss Rose is" 

"You've found Rose?" I asked in shock.

"Yes, she's in a cafe, a local vampire cafe, come along" Elijah tossed me a jacket, which I put on before following him to his car. 

We got into his car and he drove for 35 minutes until we reached the cafe. 

He looks over at the cafe and I see Rose with Damon and another guy. Elijah walks over to a guy with a guitar and puts money in then grabs a handful of coins. He starts to play with them in his hands as he looks at Rose. 

I started to grow worried. "Elijah, please don't do it, don't hurt Damon" 

"Don't worry my dear, the glass will shatter, your friend will be fine, Rose and her friend not so fine" Elijah smirks before flinging the coins full speed at the window causing it to smash. All vampires expect Damon to start to burn. 

I took a step toward the cafe but Elijah gripped my arm. "Time to go" he pulls me back to his car. 

"No, Elijah" I said but he opened the door for me to get in ignoring my protest. I sign in defeat knowing he is a lot stronger than me, I get in and he closes it behind me then gets in the car and starts driving off. 

"Where are we going?" I asked confused.

"To visit Rose's friend Slater"


"He's getting in my way, he needs to be disposed of" 

I was shocked to say. This wasn't the Elijah I knew. 

I rolled my eyes and looked out the window. 

"You're dissapointed?" Elijah questioned. 

"Yes, I am"


"Because you've changed" 

Elijah signs and we didn't speak.

Flashback to 1623__________________

I was sitting in my room, brushing my hair when Elijah walked in. 

"My love, you look spectacular" Elijah kisses me on the cheek.

"Thank you, Elijah" I then notice his suit. "How handsome you look" 

"Thank you, we're going to have a great time tonight" 

"Shall we?" I got up and I wrapped my arm around Elijah's as we made our way downstairs. 

A lot of people were dancing and having fun so we decided to join in. 


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