Chapter 82

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Kimberly's pov_______________________

The next morning, Elijah and I entered the dining room to see Nik drinking blood.

"Ugh, O-positive. You heathen" Elijah said.

"New rules. No bloodshed in the house where our daughters sleep and play. Perhaps I'll go out for dinner" Nik said.

"Oh, no. We have no way to know who will take Dominic's place as the Hollow's right hand. It could be any number of disciples out there" Elijah said.

"Yes, yes yes, all who may have the means to kill us. You know, if you hadn't been so hasty to kill him, we'd be dealing with the devil we know" Nik said.

"Spoken by the devil I know best of all" Elijah said.

"I take it you have a plan" Nik said.

"Freya will place a barrier spell on the compound. No one gets in or out" Elijah said.

"Oh, so we're to stay here while our enemies seek to resurrect this monstrosity, and let me guess, you won't be confined here" Nik said.

"I have a little errand to run" Elijah said.

"While you're off cavorting all over town, I'm what? Grounded?"

"Essentially" I said.

"Why don't you take your frustration on that fifty jawbone our enemy seems so fascinated by" Elijah suggested. 

"Glady" Nik muttered.

Elijah and I left the compound and went to the church to find Vincent, he was holding a knife. 

"That's quite a blade" Elijah said.

Vincent looked at us. "Guys, now is not a good time. I'm working on witch business"

"That makes two of us" I said.

"The Ancestors are gone. We need a new strategy to keep the Hollow at bay" Elijah said.

"The ancestors are not gone. We blew up the link that allows them to access this world, but, uh, you can't kill what's already dead" Vincent said.

"So we reestablish the link" I said.

"That link we forged on a pact between the living and the dead. A ceremonial sacrifice... Of four young women with this blade" Vincent said.

"We're familiar with the Harvest ritual. Now let us begin" Elijah said.

"Don't talk about what you don't understand, Elijah. Most people I know aren't too keen to give their daughters over to a sacrifice, especially when it went so poorly last time. Harvest ritual takes preparation" Vicent said.

"So, we tell them the truth. We have no choice" I said. 

"Demand the sacrifice" Elijah said.

"I'm not demanding anything of anybody, Elijah!, Kimberly!" Vincent yelled. "Look, I'm working with you because I want to defeat the Hollow. All right? I don't want to start a war with the French Quarter coven. No" Vincent grabbed his jacket and left. 

Once he left Elijah opened up the cabinet and took out this box, inside was a knife used in the Harvest Ritual.

"We really doing this?" I asked.

"It has to be done" Elijah said.

"All right then... Let's do this" I said. Elijah and I grabbed four young French Quarter witches and cut their throats. 

We went to the cemetery and Elijah summonsed Vincent. 

We eventually heard his footsteps. "I do not like being summoned, Elijah" Vincent then noticed the bodies. "No... No. Guy's, what did you do?"

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