Chapter 35

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Kimberly's pov_________________

I was woken up by music. I went downstairs and saw Klaus sitting down drinking.

"What's with the music this early in the morning?" I asked.

"I'm waiting for Stefan"

Just then Stefan walked through the front door. He grabbed the remote and turned off the music. "What are you doing here, Klaus?"

"Enjoying our stalemate"

"What do you want?" Stefan smiled sarcastically. 

"The question is, what do you want? My hybrids left town as you demanded so please tell me what I need to do to get my family back"

"Well, ahem, see, Klaus, um... I'm not negotiating"

"Stefan" I glared at him.

"You understand holding them indefinitely is the same as dropping them in the ocean" Klaus said.

"No, no. You leave Mystic Falls and then give me a call in a few years and we'll talk" Stefan said.

"I'm going to give you another chance. Just one more. Let's make a reasonable deal"

"Or what?" Stefan asked tauntly. "You make one move and I will drop"

Klaus laughs. "That's right. Crazy Stefan. Hmm. How's that working out for you? Any friends left?" Klaus smirked.

"Stefan. At least give Elijah back, please?" I asked.

"Nope. I'm sorry Kim, but if you get what you want, Klaus gets what he wants" Stefan said and walked away. 

"What did you mean why you said your hybrids are out of town?" I asked Klaus confused.

"Stefan fed Elena his blood and drove her down wickery bridge if I didn't send them off" 

My eyes widen in shock. "But she's ok now?" 


"Parker is still here, so..."

"Stefan said he could stay, as long as he behaves himself... Last night, he wasn't behaving himself when he beat Raphael. It was quite the eventful night"

"He did that to protect me, Parker may be sired to you, but he'll always be loyal to me"

"I guess you have a point. One of my hybrids, Tyler. He bit Caroline, but I fed her my blood. And another hybrid of mine, Daniel, is taking care of something for me..."

"Caroline got bit! Is she ok?" 

"She's fine. My blood healed her" 

"Oh, how nice of you" I said sarcastically. 

We've spent hours catching up while he was out of town. Waiting for a phone call. 

Klaus's phone went off and he smirked. "Let's go, I found the coffins" 

Klaus and I ended up at the old witches' house that I went to before. I just didn't know the coffins were inside. It was dark out this time so we were able to walk in without any problems. We waited for someone to come. 

We heard footsteps and saw Damon. "What took you so long?" Klaus asked smirking. "Hiding behind your witchy friends. And in squalor, no less" Klaus said then the candles behind him raised us and he was on the ground in pain. 

"Insulting a bunch of dead witches? Not smart" Damon smirked amussed. "I made the same mistake the first time I came in here"

"I didn't do anything" I said.

Kimberly PierceWhere stories live. Discover now