Kissing scenarios

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Eustass Kid:

I feel as though Kid wouldn't do too much PDA since he likes to keep his image of a tough scary dude, but when it's just you and him, he'll give you all the kisses you wish for. There are times where he'll be too impatient until it's just the two of you, so he'll just drag you towards a room for a kiss and maybe more ;).

 There will be times where he'll kiss you in public but often times it's either he's drunk or he wants to prove that you're his in his way to back off any men thinking that they could even think of asking you out. 


Killer with his mask on all the time, it would be rare to get a kiss where people can see him. Although when you're both clear from anyone being able too see you guys, a kissed will be given. There are times where the kiss will be light and cute, but there will definitely be times where he's been wanting to kiss you for a while and the kiss will be more intense and might lead to some tango? ;)

Trafalgar Law:

Law's not really a kisser and don't lie to me that he's a bit stiff and awkward at first, but later on he's going to be one of the best you'll ever get. Although he'll mostly give you a peck here and there too occupied with other things to be able to give you a deep kiss. (He'll give you some later at night tho. ;) )


Ace gives me the vibes that he loves to steal kisses from you anytime he can get. It can be a small peck on the cheek or the lips, or a full on make out in the back or in a supply closet and Marco ends up finding you two and scolds you guys to get back to work. 


Luffy is more oblivious to the kissing part in your relationship, but he'll always oblige to give you a kiss or two whenever you ask, but it'll be rare for him to initiate a kiss.


Marco's more into the romantic zone of kisses, so he'll want to take his time and wanting them more intimate. So kissing him will be more in the morning as morning kisses or at night. But he loves to give you forehead kisses. Anytime, anywhere, there he is to give you a forehead kiss. (with an extra 'I love you' whispered to you)


Katakuri is more afraid to kiss you. For one, he's a giant. So he's going to have the fear of being too big to be able to give you any affection and might hurt you.

Two, he's not one who's educated in the romance aspect of life, so he'll miss some clues here and there that obviously hints you want a kiss or two.

And last but not least, number three, since he's already has his anxiety of his scars to worry about and how much people hated him for them, he'll be more inquired not to kiss you since he's afraid you'll hate him of his scars. Plus, since he doesn't want anyone to see them, kissing in public is especially rare. 

But when he slowly get's over his fear of hurting you, not getting some hints or his anxiety of his scars, when kisses you it's probably some of the most sweetest kisses you've ever had. Both taste wise, and action wise. He's so gentle and wants to take his time, while he also taste of sweets, mostly donuts. 


Although he doesn't seem like it, Cracker likes to kiss. He'll want to kiss you anytime he's able to do so, yet it be a quick peck to say hello or goodbye, or a more sensual kiss in which he's going to love relaxing into. 


Zoro's not really into the whole kissing part, but will do so anyways to show a different part of him expressing his love to you. He ends up tasting like booze though, get ready for that. 


Sanji's the helpless romantic, so he's going to love to give you all kinds of kisses. Especially hand kisses. Either holding his hand or he'll just grab your hand and bring it up to his lips to give your knuckles a little kiss. He loves how it makes you blush whenever he does so, but a way to get back at him is simply peck his cheek or his lips and he'll be a blushing mess. (with hearts in his eye of course.)

Although, anytime, anywhere, he'll give you a kiss no matter what. You can ask for it, it'll be a goodnight or good morning kiss, a goodbye/see ya later kiss, anything. He'll have any excuse just to kiss you on the lips and see you smile. 


Pel gives me vibes that because of his position in the castle, he won't give much kisses towards you. In seeming more professional and not wanting to be too distracted by you're lovely kisses and lips (he can't seem to get his mind off of it after a while, which slows him down. But you can't deny that, that's cute. ). But when he's off duty he's all yours to kiss. ;)


Mihwak loves a good kiss and will give you kisses, but not much into really giving them frequently. He'll give one here and there, but it's only at certain times where he'll want to kiss you more deeply. 


You can't tell me that this man gives the craziest kisses and loves to sneak some at the most random times. You looking at the sky because it's pretty and there he is sneaking a kiss on the cheek. His excuse is that you looked too cute not to kiss and laugh it off to hang out with the crew. Shanks is NOT embarrassed to show his affection towards you in front of the crew, so you'll get all the kisses all the time. (He likes to tease you with them too)


Like many, Smoker's not going to kiss all that often and with work in mind, he's got to keep that professional look towards the other navy men, so receiving or giving kisses won't be often. But he lives for those morning kisses and night kisses you give him. In fact if you don't or didn't give him one he'll get concerned if he did something wrong and try to fix whatever he did to hurt you.


He's such a dork and a klutz that his kisses are very... unique. At first he was very stiff, but slowly would get into the kiss, but a simple peck would make him too distracted that he ends up hurting himself from not being aware of his surroundings. (you give him too many butterflies in his stomach, but he loves you so much)


Hello, I'm back. I've got one word for you guys and that's, exams. Things got busy. Thanks for reading though and waiting patiently! Since I'm on summer break now I might be working a bit more on these, but I can't promise anything. 

-Rin :)

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