Day 7

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~{You're point of view}~

It's was the annual cooking competition which is televised each year, it's always before Christmas and everyone loves to watch it and see everyone make their own food for the show.

Each year, everyone who joins the competition will be told what to recreate, but you're allowed to make you're own twist to it. The prize is obviously money, like any competition that's televised.

I was lucky enough to be able to join in this year as contestant and not someone who's watching the show. I'm so excited right now, I want to prove myself to everyone and show how good I am with cooking!

So here I am on stage with a pretty good amount of contestants this year, ready to be told what to recreate.

-"Hello and welcome everyone! Here are our new contestants this year, this year we we're able to get the double amount of contestants and here's the reason why! Our marvelous judges, wanted to have a twist to change things up! So they have decided to have everyone pared up by a partner by random and see how they'll cook!" My stomach dropped at the pit of mu stomach once I hear everything the announcer says. I'm going to be paired up with someone? Someone who I do not know? Oh god this'll go really bad.

-"And for the prize money we have decided to also double that amount so the two contestants that are paired up and win the prize will be able to split the money!" Right, the prize money. To be honest I don't really care about the prize money, but at least they took that into consideration.

-"As for the food creation's, you may pick anything you want to make, but I must be a desert and the desert must either be a cake, a pie, or some cookies that are different than you're usual store bought ones!" Well, that's going to be interesting with negotiation with some of the groups.

-"Now for the real fun to begin! The partners you're going to join up with is quite simple, you're all going to grab a piece of paper in this box here, the number on the paper will be who you're partnered up with. Once you obtain your paper wait to find your partner with the same number on the paper! Have fun!" Once the lady announces the rules for the partnership we're going to have to do, she then takes a white box and places it on a table and lets everyone to go and grab their paper.

Once I get my paper I look at the number to see whom I got. I got number "7"

That's quite the number. I look around, but of course it wont be easy to find my partner by just standing still. I walk around asking a few people here and there. But I get nothing, they don't even know someone who would have my number! I mean one person did, but he didn't know where his friend run off to. 

Before I started to give up a little bit, I hear the announcer saying to go towards a section for the people who didn't have a partner. I heard before that they accidently made the papers of the same number. I feel bad for the guy. 

I walk towards the location to see that there isn't that large amount of people left whom are looking for a partner. That makes things a lot easier for me! I look around and left to right, people we're finding their partner, until one guy shows up a little later than the other's. I look towards him, he had some blond hair that covered up one side of his face, he even had a eyebrow that curled at the tip! Plus he was wearing a suit? Odd.

Boy was I lucky that I wasn't left partner less, as I find out that he's the exact person I've been looking for! As I see him holding his paper in his hand with that really readable number which was seven.

-"Hello. I see that you're number seven?"

-"Yes. Are you my partner?" He looks at his paper quickly to see what number he is, as if he forgot that exact second, just like how someone says "nice shirt!" and the person who's getting that praise will always look down at their shirt to see what exact shirt they are wearing that day.

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