~I: Eustass Kid~

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I rushed my way to the flower shop to buy a set of flowers for a wedding that I'm attending to. I open the door to the flower shop and walk around quickly to find that one bouquet I saw the other day that I personally thought was perfect for the wedding! (Plus the bride requested it) 

Once my eyes land on the bouquet full of yellow chrysanthemums almost as if my eyes locked onto some prey that I caught. I rush towards the bouquet of flowers, just to have my hand being touched by another hand, a stranger's hand. 

Instead of retracting my hand like a normal person I instead aggressively grab onto the bouquet of flowers, indicating that I'm not leaving the shop without these flowers, but the stranger didn't take the hint.

-"Oi ! Give me those flowers!" The stranger shouts. 

-"Nah uh! These are mine and I'm in a rush, so bye!" With that I try to squeeze my way out to the cashier, but this stranger was a man and a much bigger man to add in, so it's not a surprise that he grabs on me basically locking me in place and yanking the flowers out of my hands.

-"Hey, I grabbed them first! Their mine!" Now it was my turn to shout for the stolen goods.

-"Finder's keeper's." The man says with a cocky grin slapped onto his face, while trying to leave to buy your flowers. This man is starting to irritate me so much and he's getting on my nerves. 

You huff, not letting this douche leave with your flowers, so you sneak behind him, grab onto the stems of the flowers in the bouquet and yank it out of his hands. The stranger was stunned at first, but seemed to enjoy the little cat fight the two of you were doing. The man chuckles with that grin still stuck onto his face, man he irritates you. 

-"Well then, let's see who leaves this shop with that bouquet." The stranger says, as if he was ready to start a brawl or something mischievous. 

-"I'm not going to start a fight in a flower shop and you can clearly see that I have already won as I'm holding the bouquet already." I say with confidence.

-"You haven't truly won yet sweetheart, you haven't bought the bouquet yet." His face is this stuck with that stupid smirk on his face. He doesn't believe he lost yet and I mean he does have a point, I don't truly own these flowers yet, they still belong to the owner of the shop.

-"Nuh uh, you're not getting these flowers, and what's a big guy like you going to use these for?"

-"I don't need to tell you my reasoning and I'm getting those flowers no matter what."

-"Why these flowers, why not the other one's in the shop? I mean we are literally in a flower shop surrounded by flowers."

-"Same goes to you too, you know. Why not some sunflowers or something instead."

-"Nope, not happening. I'm getting these for a friend for a very special event and they specifically asked for this type, so my answer is, no." With our conversation ended, I rush out of the section to get to the catchier, hoping that I was able to move fast enough to be able to buy the bouquet before him. 

Right before I could arrive to the cash and no one there to serve me anyways, I'm being pulled once again by the man and once again the bouquet stolen from my hands. I sigh, I'm never going to be able to get these flowers in time am I?

Sadly, he rung the bell for a clerk to come and he bought the flowers. Shit. 

I grumble in defeat and walk out of the store. There isn't another flower shop around here are there? I check my phone just to check and with my great luck there's no other flower shop in town. I grumble in place, regretting I didn't grab those flower's yesterday when I had the chance, I just HAD to wait.

-"Yo." I hear the stranger say behind me.

-"What do you want?" I say, turning towards him.

-"Here." The stranger hands me the bouquet of flowers and I reach to grab them to only have them retreated from my reach. "But, before you take these flowers from me, I'll only give you these flowers if you go on a date with me." 

There it is again, that stupid smirk that's plastered onto his face, but I won't lie that I'm temped to grab onto those flowers, plus the guy is kind of handsome... you know what, screw it. I'm going to live my life how I want to and I'm kind of curious of the guy.

-"Fine, but only one date."

-"Only one date."

I grab the flowers and I finally get the flowers. Task complete!

-"Oh by the way, what's your name mysterious man."

-"Kid, Eustass 'Captain' Kid."


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