~Spooks 7~

707 7 1

Straw Hats

Modern AU

~{You're point view}~

I wake up to the sound of people talking and singing. Ugh. Again. It's been 4 times in a row where I've been hearing voices from the beach waking me up in the middle of the night! It's annoying and impossible to go to sleep! 

What probably creeps me out every time is when ever I go and open my blinds of my window to go and see who the hell is talking in the middle of the night. I just see a deserted beach right beside my house. As if no one has been there all night. As well it gets quiet, almost too quiet.

I get out of my bed like always, still hearing the voices outside, hearing them laugh. They sound like a joyous bunch though. Must be teenagers. They're always a rowdy bunch in this small town I live in. 

Like before as well, I open my blinds to see and hear nothing. Like always. I go back to bed and I hear the voices again. This time though, it's different, instead of trying to go back to sleep through the voices and laughter or opening my blinds again, I walk outside of my bedroom, grab my coat, and open my front door.

That's when I see a group of people! There's even a bonfire and a large boat with a lion's head on the beach! What on earth am I looking at!?

I close my door and walk my way towards them. A few of them looked towards me, noticing my presence, but went back to their conversation. Odd, but makes sense. 

Once I arrive to them and I'm right behind one of their friends, people would usually expect to have them stop talking and ask you why you're there. Instead, they continued talking as if I wasn't there.

-"Hello." I say, maybe I can get their attention and politely ask them to change their location where they hang out?

Once that one word came out of my mouth, everyone turned their head towards me in shock. Why would they be surprised that I was here, or that I could hear them? They're loud!

-"Can you see us?" A young lady asks. She has long orange hair, with an interesting outfit. What an odd question to ask?

-"Uh, yeah? I can very much see you. All I'm asking is if you guys can maybe change your hangout spot? It's just that you guys are a bit loud and it gets a bit difficult to fall asleep at night." Once I finish my request, everybody's face's are either surprised or even more confused.

-"But how?! You're not supposed to see us at all!" A man with a long nose says in shock.

-"What do you mean?" 

-"We're a group of people whom are cursed. We kind of died a long time ago and once we died our souls never really left. With that we've been roaming the seas and stopping on islands for breaks while everyone cannot see or hear us." A fish-man says, he looks huge! 

-"Oh. That makes much more sense, but why are you guys cursed?" I ask, what could possibly curse them? 

-"Well, the reason as to why we're all cursed is because someone decided to steal that pirate's money. So we're all stuck like this where no one can hear or see us all." 

-"Wow. That's quite the situation. So it's been all you guys here like this, this whole time."

-"Now you can understand why we're all chocked to have you see and hear us. It's a nice change from everything." 

-"Yeah, that makes sense."

-"Hey! How about we become friends!?" A boy with a straw hat yells out of nowhere.

-"Uh, I'm okay with that?" With that 

-"Yay! Now give me MEAT!" Okay, this is the weirdest experience I've ever had. I'm not friends with pirate ghosts I guess?

As the night continues the more and more I interact with everyone and the more fun it gets. I even learnt everyone's names! The Captain of the crew is Monkey D. Luffy, then there's Zoro the sword man, Nami the navigator, Usopp the gunner, Sanji the cook, Chopper their doctor, Robin with all the knowledge, Franky the guy who built the ship they ride in (Which is awesome!), Brook their musician and last but not least, Jimbe who's a fish man and was apparently a warlord of the sea!

We talk, laugh, drink booze, play games, trying to stop Luffy from stealing all the food, and just having a blast. 

I will not lie this has been one of the best parties I have ever gone too. I'm glad that I made friends with cursed ghosts in the middle of the night.



HAPPY HALLOWEEN!!! (or happy day? if you don't celebrate! which is completely cool too!)

Hello, or should I say goodnight as it's pretty late. Sorry for this being a bit short and a little later in the day. I was just VERY busy during the last 4 days and tomorrow is going to be hectic. I will continue posting, but I'll definitely take a little break a long the way.

Have you heard of NaNoWriMo? I'll be participating this in the month of November. If you haven't heard of this, if you want to write or is a writer, you can participate this challenge where for the whole month of November you'll be trying to write a 50 000 word book. (It's also a little bit why I'll be taking a smaller break during this up coming month.) 

As a small heads up to what's kind of happening with what I'm going to be writing for you guys, is that I'll be writing three up coming specials for certain months! 

-Thanks Giving in the USA "November 24" (One quick chapter)

-Christmas special "December 1-31st" (I'll be having one single prompt and I'll be doing one character for each day of December)

-Valentines Special "February 1-28th + 2 extra days" (I'll be doing the same thing as the December special, where I will have one prompt and use that for every day)

I'll be also having a few Scenarios here and there as they kind of randomly pop into my head out of no where. They won't be as common though. 

Then I have a few more One-shots left for you guys for you to read. They will take more time though and I apologize for that, the person whom requested on Ao3, that I do a second part to #14 Katakuri Charlotte is on it's way just need a little bit more time. (There should be about 12 more coming up, but I might get random ideas and put them down!)

Well I know that's a lot to read, but I do hope you're excited to read all of these! I hope you have a great day!

-Rin :)

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