~Spooks 3~

997 19 3


Modern AU

~{You're Point of view}~

I sigh and stretch after the long day of unpacking boxes, as I moved into a new house. 

Maybe I should walk around town? I think after a long day of moving and unpacking boxes, a nice walk would be nice and even better trying to know the new town that I moved in!

I grab my necessities and leave out of my new house to check out the town I live in now. It may be small sure, and it may be out of the city, but it's a cozy place and I'm glad I moved in.

Once I leave the house I get blasted by the autumn breeze in the air. Chilling. I put my hands in my pockets hoping to keep them warm as I walk around town. 

There's a bunch of small shops all having their own little quirks to them. Waving a 'hello' to strangers that are walking by and that's when I heard it. A rumor. 

-"I heard a rumor that one of the old run down Inn's is haunted! There seems to be ghosts inside and they say that they are the souls of the people who died inside the Inn!" An elder lady in pink says to the other elder lady in orange.

-"Really?! I feel like someone else told me that same rumor. They also mentioned why they were trapped in the Inn... Do you remember?" The orange elder lady asks.

-"I do! The ghost whom are trapped inside the Inn are always looking for a way out, and it's to find their true love as the Inn is a love Inn!" The pink elder lady chirps.

-"Spooky~ Of course that can never happen and that person probably just wanted to creep out the kids or something." The elder lady in orange shrugs.

Ooooh. It's my first rumor of the town and oddly enough I kind of want to see this 'Love Inn' just to check it out. I mean what can a little fun can do?

I walk back to my house and grab a few extra things to get ready for ghost hunting! Wait. I'm not really hunting them more like investigating? I'm going to go ghost investigating!

I rush out of my house to find this 'Inn' the lady's were talking about. I check on the map on my phone to get some idea where this Inn could be. All I wrote was 'Inn in my area' and found two answers it seems that the 'love Inn' actually closed down not too long ago so my maps says it's still open. Huh? How funny.

It seems that the Inn isn't too far away, almost a 20 minute walk from my house! Perfect!

I go back outside and follow the path that my map gives me.

I will not lie, the scenery here is gorgeous! The trees with a bunch of warm colours and the fallen leaves on the grass. With every step I could hear a crunch under my feet, as I am stepping on dried leaves. Oh how wonderful that sounded.

Once I arrive to the Inn, It's still got it's shape and beauty before it was closed down. 

I walk a bit closer to open up the Inn door. Surprisingly it's not locked. Okay. A bit creepy.

I look inside the place and It looks as if it never closed down. The lights were still on, everything was still quite functional. What probably creeped me out the most was that no one was inside. It was dead empty. 

I slowly let myself in and once I closed the door behind me, I could see and array of ghosts walking around! What the heck am I looking at!?

The ghost seem to heave either seen or heard me enter because everyone stopped in their tracks to just stare at me.

-"What are you doing here?" A ghost asks me.

-"Uh. I heard a rumor about this place and I wanted to check it out?" I say, trying not to freak out at the fact that I'm seeing ghost right now.

-"Well alive or not, a guest is a guest. Welcome!" With that the ghost either went back to their business or they went to pester me with questions.

-"I'm so glad to see a new face in these parts! Did you just move in?" A lady asks me.

-"Uh yeah. I did." 

-"Aren't you freaked out by us? You know, because we're dead." A man asks me also cornering me with the lady.

-"To be honest, at first yes, but you guys aren't too bad." I awkwardly say.

-"How long do you plan to stay?" I'm guessing one of the staff members asks me.

-"I'm not sure myself?"

-"You have to stay over for diner! One of our staff is making diner tonight and it's going to be the best!" Another staff member comes by. 

-"Good to know?" I'm being cornered by ghost and I don't know what to do!

-"Hey, knock it off. You're pestering them. Look you're even frittering them." A guy says behind the other ghost that are cornering me.

-"Oh! Sorry dear. Didn't mean to frighten you." The lady apologizes.

-"Yes. My deepest apologies." One of the men bows.

-"No it's alright. I mean you did say that you've haven't seen a new face in a while and I mean I'm not really...well..."

-"Dead?" One of the staff members finishes my sentence.


-"Don't worry hun', we may be all dead, but we still got our fire in us! You don't need to walk on eggshells around us about death and all." The lady smiles warmly.

-"Well, we'll leave you now. Please explore and enjoy your stay." Another one of the staff members says.

Once all the ghosts, who had trapped me into a corner left and went back to their business from before. The ghost who had helped me walked closer.

-"Hey." The ghost says. He was tall that's for sure.

-"Hey, thanks for earlier."

-"Any time. What made you come over here anyways?" The ghost asks. Now since he's a bit closer I can have a better view of what he looks like and I will not lie. He's a hottie.

-"Oh! Um, I heard a rumor about this place being haunted and I wanted to check it out." I respond, snapping back into reality.

-"Why would you want to do that though?" Curious, he is.

-"Just curious. Plus the old ladies said that this was some type of 'love Inn'." I shrug.

-"Love Inn?" He says, snorting a little, trying not to laugh.

-"Yeah. I think they were saying that the ghosts in this Inn are trapped and are looking for their 'one true love'" I say, watching the ghost in front of me trying not to laugh.

-"Well you know what they say, 'Don't believe in everything you hear.' But seriously 'love inn'. That's ridiculous!" The ghost finally laughs at how dumb of a rumor that was.

-"Well it's good to know that some part of the rumor is true though."

-"What? The fact that we're ghosts? Well I guess you're right. Here how about I give you a tour of this Inn?"

-"You know what? Sure! I've got time to kill anyways."

-"No problem miss...?"

-"Oh! Right! It's (Y/n)! And you mister?"

-"It's Ace."


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