Day 8

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~{You're point of view}~

It's was the annual cooking competition which is televised each year, it's always before Christmas and everyone loves to watch it and see everyone make their own food for the show.

Each year, everyone who joins the competition will be told what to recreate, but you're allowed to make you're own twist to it. The prize is obviously money, like any competition that's televised.

I was lucky enough to be able to join in this year as contestant and not someone who's watching the show. I'm so excited right now, I want to prove myself to everyone and show how good I am with cooking!

So here I am on stage with a pretty good amount of contestants this year, ready to be told what to recreate.

-"Hello and welcome everyone! Here are our new contestants this year, this year we we're able to get the double amount of contestants and here's the reason why! Our marvelous judges, wanted to have a twist to change things up! So they have decided to have everyone pared up by a partner by random and see how they'll cook!" My stomach dropped at the pit of mu stomach once I hear everything the announcer says. I'm going to be paired up with someone? Someone who I do not know? Oh god this'll go really bad.

-"And for the prize money we have decided to also double that amount so the two contestants that are paired up and win the prize will be able to split the money!" Right, the prize money. To be honest I don't really care about the prize money, but at least they took that into consideration.

-"As for the food creation's, you may pick anything you want to make, but I must be a desert and the desert must either be a cake, a pie, or some cookies that are different than you're usual store bought ones!" Well, that's going to be interesting with negotiation with some of the groups.

-"Now for the real fun to begin! The partners you're going to join up with is quite simple, you're all going to grab a piece of paper in this box here, the number on the paper will be who you're partnered up with. Once you obtain your paper wait to find your partner with the same number on the paper! Have fun!" Once the lady announces the rules for the partnership we're going to have to do, she then takes a white box and places it on a table and lets everyone to go and grab their paper.

Once I get my paper I look at the number to see whom I got. I got number "8".

I look around the large masses of people wondering whom will be my partner. I walk a few paces before stumbling onto the floor as if I hit something and fell immediately. 

I look behind myself to see a little reindeer holding it's head in pain. WAIT- I hit the little guy? Oh no!

I quickly stumble back onto my feet and to go and check up on the little guy.

-"Hey, are you okay?! Did I hurt you?" the poor little thing looks at me with the cutest eyes.

-"Not really, are you okay though. You took quite the tumble!" 

-"Oh no. I wasn't looking where I was walking and ran straight into you. I apologize."

-"It's okay! You don't need to worry about me!" The little reindeer says blushing.

-"What's your number?" I ask as I take out my piece of paper from my pocket. "Here's mine."

-"Oh! Wow, what a coincidence! I'm your partner!" They say gleefully, while also taking out his paper.

-"Well that makes things a lot easier! Do you have any idea on what we should bake for the competition today?" 

-"I do have a idea, but it won't win us a prize." The reindeer says a bit shameful.

-"Oh don't worry. I'm just here for the experience in all honesty." With my answer the little guy beams with excitement.

-"Okay! How about we make cotton candy!" He smiles brightly.

-"Well that's definitely not something you hear everyday, but I love the idea! But to spice it up a little, how about we make it into art?" His smile grew even bigger with excitement.

-"So you mean cotton candy art?"

-"Yep! What do you think?"

-"I like it! Oh! My name's Chopper by the way!"

-"It's nice to meet you Chopper, the name's (Y/n)!"

Now with our plan in set, we go and grab the cotton candy machine in the back of the pantry and grabbing all the flavours and colours for the cotton candy we're going to make. 

Once bringing the machine and candy all we have to do now is well make the cotton candy and make it into art! We both decided to give it a try twice. Our first tries were a should I say it...wonky? Yeah, we'll go with that. With our second tries on the other hand, we knew more and more to what we we're doing. Because we still hand plenty of sugar and time left, we went ham on making creatures, objects, and more with the cotton candy and becoming masters at this new art form. 

We had little contests with the cotton candy too, wondering who could make the better something, and to be honest it was a fair game as both of us would win some or loose some, but our final test was to make each judges faces so they could eat themselves. And so we did, we each made a face for the the four judges, four each, eight in total, but only of them for each judges could qualify. 

I got the second and fourth judges face more correct as Chopper made awesome job with each face's. So we both decided that Chopper was the true master and was giving all three of them and I get to give my favorite of mine, the fourth face for the fourth judge. 

Once we presented our works to the judges, they were...confused and a bit weirded out. They did enjoy the cotton candy though and found our faces were pretty well done, but whished more of a desert and a treat, we got 15th place. Not bad though. Could've gone better. I'm glad I had an awesome experience though, especially with a talking reindeer. 


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