#19: Rosinante Don Quixote x Reader

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Heart break isn't easy

~{You're point of view}~

My heart shattered and sunk right at the bottom of my stomach. How. How could he do this to me? My so-called boyfriend was right in front of me, in our bed, but of course he's not alone. Nope. He's with another girl. Boy, does she look gorgeous though. I try to speak and confront my so called lover, but nothing comes out of my mouth. Instead I just cry.

I'm not crying because of him, but how much I trusted him, how much I was a fool to love him, how my time a wasted on him. I hated it. I hated it all.

I can hear voices, but I don't listen. All I can think is that I need to leave and that's what I do. I get up and rush out of that damned house and away from him. I close the door behind me and rush back into my car and drive off. I don't even realize where I am driving because soon enough I end up at my best friend's house. Rosinante.

I get out of the car and knock on that plaster white door of his. Soon enough the door opens and I see him. He seems to be in his PJ's, hair messy and eyes a bit sleepy. I guess I woke him up.

Just by seeing him my eyes start to water again.

With the sudden outburst of my emotions, Rosinante gets worried and rushes me inside.

I hug him and I hug him tight, as if he's the only thing keeping me from falling. He seems to get the memo and hold me back. Letting me calm my nerves down before asking any questions.

-"He cheated." That's all I said. That's all I could say without bursting out like before again.

-"That jackass." Rosinante curses under his breath. "Next time I see him, I'm going to punch his brains out. What an ass. I am so sorry you have to deal with him." Rosinante hugs me tighter with his response to what I have told him.

-"Can I stay here for the night? I don't want to go to a motel and I sure don't want to get back to the house." I say, finally able to speak again.

-"You're always welcome to stay. So yes, you can stay for the night. I have a spare room for you and I can give you extra clothing." With that I let go of him and he shows me the way to the spare room he has and lets me be alone for a few minutes. Which I appreciated.

Later on he gave me the spare clothing he mentioned and gave me some cookies.

-"Would you like me to stay?" Rosinante says, after giving me the plate full of cookies. I mean it was a mountain of cookies. Why does he have so much?

-"Yes." I croak.

-"Do you want to talk about it or talk about the most random things?" He sits beside me on the bed. I almost fell over by how much he made the bed dip.


-"It's not really a yes or no question." Rosinante's facial expressions were perfect. Confused.


-"Is that all you're going to say?"

-"No." I smile even a giggle. It might just be my terrible sense of humor or my exhaustion from crying so much and a long day's of work, but boy did I find this hilarious. "Jokes aside though, I do want to talk about it."

-"Okay, it was nice to see you smile though." Rosinante chuckles.

After that I tell him everything about what I saw and how hurt I was. He definitely did not enjoy the news either. 

He let me stay over till I was ready to confront my "boyfriend" again. I stayed over for about 4 days before I felt ready enough to talk to him. Which I did and it didn't end well, of course. But I was glad I could tell him that we we're done and that I never wanted to see his dumbass face again. I grabbed all my belongings too and left the house.

luckily Rosinante was kind enough to still let me stay over at his house till I could find another place. 


A week goes by and I'm still staying over at Rosinante. He has been helping me a lot over the whole thing that happened with my now ex. He has been trying to contact me still, but I was glad that I could block him from anything I could find. I truly don't ever want to see that man again.

But as of right now, I'm celebrating in front of my desk and laptop after hearing good news in a while.

I was finally able to find a place to move into!

I squeal and rush over to tell the news to Rosinante, which he becomes ecstatic as well. 

a few more days and I finally move into a small apartment. It's nothing fancy and it's not expensive either. It's nice.

But after a few days staying over is when I realized something.

Rosinante never liked my ex when I was with him. Yet he let me stay with him because I was happy before...did Rosinante know about him? Or he had a feeling that he was a douche to begin with?

With curiosity flowing my mind, I grab my phone and call him.


<Hey Rosi, I have a question for you.>

<Okay, what's up?>

<Did you hate- or more like did you already know that my ex was a douche?> there's silence for a little while till he speaks up again.

<Yes. But you seemed to be happy with him and he never seemed to hurt you in any way. So I let it slide. I didn't want to meddle in your life like that.> So that's why. Huh.

<Thanks for telling me.>

<Why the sudden question?>

<Well, I may have been having the feeling you knew all along that there was something wrong?>

<I'm that obvious to you, huh?>

<Yes, nothing goes past me!> I giggle at the stupidity of my text.

<I'm glad that we know each other.> Huh? That's an odd text from him. Is he thinking of the past right now?

<That's an odd text from you. You aren't one to think back onto the past much.>

<I have to tell you something. I've been in love with you for a while.> What.

How could he confess to me while texting?! But more importantly. HE HAS FEELINGS FOR ME!?

Without thinking, I rush over to Rosinante's house. Which gladly it's not far, because I'm running bare foot here. 

After 10 minutes I arrive to his house, huffing and puffing. 

I weakly knock on his bleach white door, like always. Him slowly opening the door and in his pajamas. Just like last time.

-"Wha-" Before I could let him talk I grab the collar of his shirt and yank him towards me. So I can kiss this lovable bastard.

(His face was red like a tomato after and he was speechless. It was cute.)



Hello! My god, I've been trying to write this one One-shot for a while now. But Hi~ it's been a little while and in 10 days it'll be the 24th which means Thanks giving is coming for the people in the US! I'll be making a special One shot soon! 

I just watched the One Piece Red movie not too long ago and I enjoyed it! (Have you seen it yet? Tell me your thoughts!)

Have a nice day!

-Rin :)

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