#15: Smoker x Reader

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Requested by @Poofywooloo (on Ao3)

~{Third point of view}~

-"Hey, Smoker-kun. It's been a while." Hina says while barging inside Smoker's office, while Smoker has his nose buried in loads of paper work. Smoker just looks up and glares a Hina.

-"Couldn't you come any time where I'm not busy with paperwork, Hina?" Just as Smoker had finished his sentence a marine was rushing to his office.

-"Sir! Miss Hi- oh. Never mind then!" It looks like the marine was trying to inform Smoker that Hina had arrived, but arrived too late. Embarrassed he tried to rush back to his duties.

-"Well I wanted to catch up and see how your doing, Smoker-kun." Hina replies to Smoker. But it seems that he isn't having any of it.

-"Come back another time, I'm clearly busy." Smoker grunts and goes back to work.

-"Shame, I even invited (Y/n) to come along too." Hina makes her way to the door to leave the office.

-"What?" With just the mention of your name, Hina caught Smoker's attention. With the response that Smoker did, Hina felt a smirk come to her face.

-"Oh? So that's what catches your attention. The mention of (Y/n), eh?" With that Smoker knew at that moment he fucked up. He knew that if Hina tried to pry an answer out of him about his little crush of his for you, he knew he would loose. Smoker knows he's an open book to Hina. Damn he is really screwed.

-"Forget it." Smoker tries to hide the fact that he has any interest in you and goes back to work. But in fact your all that's on his mind, day and night. No matter how hard he tries to deny his feelings of affection he has for you, it slaps him in the face whenever your around him. 

-"No, I will not forget the fact that you got all excited that (Y/n) was coming over. So I wanna hear from you, do you have a crush on (y/n), Smoker? You know you can't lie to me." Hina knew that she could read Smoker all to well, so when she has the opportunity to tease him, she would take it.

-"Leave me alone Hina, I'm to busy for this. I've got work to do." 

-"Alright, I'll leave. But, I'll only leave until you tell me how you truly feel about (Y/n)." Smoker sighed. Instead of answering Hina, he decided to ignore her until she left. Hina was too stubborn for that though and even decided to sit beside him and do some of the paper work that was overflowing over the desk. Which surprised smoker to no end, but went along with it.

-"Where's Tashigi? Couldn't she help you with this paperwork?"

-"She's busy back helping training some extra marines that just joined in." Smoker says as he places a piece of paper he finished in a pile.

-"Oh, so you are going to talk. Then how about answering that unanswered question you left behind a few minutes ago." Hina says, taking another piece of paper and finishing it.

-"No." Smoker says in a gruff and annoyed tone.

-"C'mon Smoker, I just want to hear the answer. I won't bother you any more."

-"Why do you insist on knowing the answer?" Smoker stops doing the paper work and looks at Hina, annoyed that he can't be left alone.

-"Because I can clearly tell that you love them and I just want to hear the truth from you. Maybe I can help." Hina annoyed that Smoker won't tell her how the dumbass feels.

-"If you know already then why ask and how do you know that I love them?!" Smoker crosses his arms, trying to defend what ever is left.

-"The reason how I know is that number one you got excited that I mentioned that (Y/n) was going to come over too, number two I see you always sweet to them, number three you even kept the handkerchief that they gave you when you had some blood on you after a battle!" Hina yells at him, showing the handkerchief that was left on the desk, spotless and unused. "I mean you never had the guts to use the gad dam thing!"

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