~Spooks 4~

859 10 6


Modern AU

~{You're point of view}~




What you hear there was the sound of my back cracking as I stretch after a long day of moving into my new house. 

I sigh, what a long day. I just moved into this house that sure it is a little spooky and a little old. And sure it was hella cheap as the old owners found this place haunted. But that's not going to stop me!

The old owners left some of the old furniture and items the person who lived her before and died. They really had some antique stuff that could really sell for some pretty good money.

I've been moving in my stuff sure, but most of my time was trying to move the furniture and knick knacks that was already inside.

There was this one picture in the hallway that kind of creeped me. It was a huge painting of a person whom had blond hair and it covered on of their eyes. Their eyebrows are really weird as they swirled at the tip. Sanji Vinsmoke was what it said at the bottom of the painting. It doesn't say anything else though and every time I walked past it I felt as if it was staring at me.

I keep looking at it trying to catch it doing something, like maybe blinking, sneezing, but I get nothing.

Because it kept bothering me so much, I thought of taking it down and I try to take it off of the wall, but it seems to be stuck!? Looking further into it, it seems to be screwed in the wall or something and to remove this painting will take a lot more effort, which I'm not in the mood to do so.

I talked about this with my friends and sure they were creeped out by it too, but I think they now think me as someone who's insane!

I even pointed it out to my parents, but they also just think I'm just over reacting.

Why can't they see that this painting is clearly staring at me!

After a month of living in this house and dealing with this stupid painting. I've started to get used to him I guess starring at me. I just try to tune it out and get on with my life.

One day though, sitting in my couch I look at the painting and I kid you not it's eyes can move as it's starring at me again! Usually it just stares straight forward but it looks like it's looking at you. But this time it was looking to it's right!

-"What the fuck!" I yell.

And now with attention to it again, the person in the painting seems to notice that I was looking at him again and it fricking winked at me!?

I blink. Maybe I'm dreaming? I mean this painting has been driving me nuts that it ended up in my dream.

I pinch myself to see. And this is very much real life and I'm very much awake.

Okay. This is creepy. I am in a weird house and this painting which I cannot remove off the wall is staring at me and it just winked. What the heck is going on!?

-"Hello?" I say. Maybe it can respond?

-"Hello." The painting just spoke. Well more like the person. But what the heck!? And his voice was something, not what I was expecting, but kind of hot. Wait- am I attracted to a painting!? Oh god, what is going on.

-"W- what the heck. Who are you?" I ask, getting out of my couch to get closer.

-"The name's Sanji Vinsmoke and I am a person who is stuck in this painting." He's moving in the painting too, as if the painting is a cage for him. How odd.

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