#22: Marco x Reader

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A Different Prize

It was a loud and enjoyable night with the white beard pirates tonight. Everyone celebrating, cheering, singing and drinking rum all night long. Of course games and challenges always come along the festivities. Especially with pirates, always competing about something. 

"LET'S DO A DRINKING GAME!" Someone yells in the back, the rest cheering along. 

"We've been already been playing drinking games guys. That's the only game we've been playin all night." Marco mumbles, obviously tired of everyone being already hammered from drinking so much and already dreading tomorrow for everyone's hangovers that he's got to deal with.

"Oh common! You haven't been playing at all Marco. Join in on the fun you party pooper!" You shout, already feeling the alcohol kicking in from playing a little too many drinking games, but still going at it.

"Yeah Marco! Join in!" Another crew member yells in response. Everybody else agreeing, probably wanting to see Marco actually get drunk.

"I'm not playing. I'm going to stay as the responsible one tonight." Marco sighs.

"C'mon you wuss! Play one game with us and we'll leave you be for tonight." You announce.

"Yeah! C'mon Marco, it'll be fun! Just for tonight!" Thatch swings his arm over Marco in a way to stabilize himself from falling, holding a pint in hand, the liquid swishing as he wobbles. 

The rest of the crew all start to chant 'Marco.' over and over in a way to convince him more.

"Alright. Alright. I'll play one game. That's it." Marco puts his hands up in the air in defeat as everyone cheers. It's not like it'll be that bad for him. Right?

Everyone starts to gather around, trying to figure out which game to play that'll get Marco somewhat tipsy, or more after. After a few disputes, everyone agrees on who can drink the most pints in 2 minutes. After setting up the table and bringing the pints ready, all they needed left was the other contestant. Who'll battle Marco in a drinking contest?

Everyone knows to never go against Pops with a drinking game. He drinks a whole barrel like it's a pint. Ace could be a pretty interesting contester, but there might be a chance that he might pass out while drinking and that would make Marco automatically win (At that time, Ace was actually asleep). There's Thatch, but he's way to wasted to make him go and drink against Marco. And then there's you. You're not fully drunk yet, just tipsy, and Marco never says no to a challenge against you. Not only that everyone knew the little secret the two of you had for each other, I mean while you were playing along, Marco was just staring at you with hearts for eyes, as if you were the most beautiful thing in the world. Now everyone knew the perfect prize to use if the two of you were going against each other. 

"Hey! Why don't you be the other contestant for the game?" Someone calls out and asks you.

"Sure, why not? This is going to be fun." Marco cocks an eyebrow at your words.

"What? You think you can beat me, sweetheart?" Marco states as he sits down at the table, right across from you. Having a smug smirk on his face that you are so wanting to wipe right off his face. 

"Oh I know I can beat your smug ass, doctor" Marco might've kept his smug façade up, but honestly you were so mesmerizing at the moment that his heart couldn't stop beating. 

The first pints were placed in front of the two of you, the beer smelling really good to you at the moment, but you sadly couldn't savour and take your sweet time tasting the delicious liquid at the moment, since you were going to have to chug it down as fast as you possibly can. 

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 07, 2023 ⏰

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