~Spooks? 6~

753 13 3

Trafalgar Law

Modern AU

~{You're point of view}~

It so crowded every time you try to go to a party or an event. You'll always be smooshed against people and having the chance of loosing the person you came with into the crowd. It sucks. 

So I can understand why Law grabbed my hand and tried to slither our way out of the crow of probably now drunk people.

Why did we come here you ask? Well, I may have wanted to go see what this Halloween party was all about and I will not lie it's a blast being here, but the people aren't making it too enjoyable when I'm being squished.

After a little while of trying to shimmy our way through people and almost loosing each other, we finally get ourselves out of the crowd and more in a breathable area. 

We huff and puff by how suffocating it was just being there. 

-"Thanks." I say, once we catch our breaths.

-"No problem." 

-"Boy, I do NOT want to go back in there. I think we should call it quits and not go back in there." I sigh.

-"Thank you. I was not enjoying that at all." Law groans in pain as he tries to stretch his back a little. That's also when I notice that our hands are still intertwined. I blush at that. 

How didn't I notice? Is it because we we're holding each others hands for a while? Well I guess you could say that Law was more like dragging us out of that crowd.

-"Uh. Law."


-"Our hands. We're still holding hands." I bluntly say, while pointing at them.

-"Yeah and?" Is he not bothered by how we're holding hands?

-"Well we're no longer in that crowd so you don't have to hold my hand anymore."

-"Do you want to stop holding hands?" Well not really when he says it like that.

-"No I'm good. I just thought that we'd let go." I could kind of see him smirk at that. This buffoon.

-"Alright then. Where should we go now?" 

-"I'm hungry after being smooshed like that. How about we go get supper?" 

-"Sure, it's a date." I like the sound of that, even though we've been together for a while now.



Hello! Boy, has this week has been busy as heck for me! I have two more spooks left for you guys! Sorry about how short this chapter is, I didn't have much of a plan for this one and I wanted it to be a shorter one this time. Halloween is almost here! :D


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