#14: Katakuri Charlotte x Reader

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Requested by @Mont-D'Orxoclover (on Ao3)

Modern AU

~{You're point of view}~

rainy day's on a weekend, is one of the best day's. 

All I want to do is sit down, have a nice warm drink beside me, cuddling up into my cozy blanket, have a nice book in my hand to read and listening to the rain fall. It was one of those days, the perfect ones in my opinion.

Sadly, happiness is temporary as I hear a knock on my door. Please let it be a random parcel I ordered a long time ago and forgotten it. I open the door hoping to see that iconic brown box, but instead my eyes are met with a large figure, Katakuri. 

Don't get me wrong, Katakuri is candy to the eyes and is great company, but I just wanted to be alone and read my book!

-"Hey, Katakuri. Why are you at my door on this fine day?" Katakuri chuckles a bit at my statement.

-"I just need a friend to talk to and getting away from all the chaos in the family." Katakuri says, as he walks inside the house.

-"Oh? What's going on this time? Did the chefs mistake a cake? Or anything with one of the siblings? Tell me." Katakuri lifts an eyebrow at my enthusiasm. 

-"Do you enjoy my family's chaos or something?"

-"Yes, yes I do. It's interesting how your family does things so differently and chaotically." 

-"Well, you're going to love this. Mama said that everyone must bring a plus one to one of our siblings weddings. And she meant everyone. So now I have to think of someone who can be my plus one in just a weeks notice. Everybody in the family is not the happiest with Mama's decisions, I mean neither am I, but it's Mama's orders." Katakuri sighs in exhaustion and fatigue, he must have listening to everybody bickering and trying to figure out some one compatible for him as a date only for one day.

-"Hmm. How about I can be your plus one."


-"Hear me out. I can be your plus one, with no problem. Your family knows me, they already ship me and you. Well as a joke, but still. I can do it in a weeks notice and you don't have to stress anymore. Plus, it'll be just for the one day." Katakuri did look skeptical at the idea at first, but as I explain the benefits more and more he was intrigued.

-"Why would you want to help me though?"

-"I owe you one anyways."

-"When have I helped you where you owed me one?" Does he not remember? Shoot.

-"Well...I'd rather not talk about it again. It's an embarrassing thing to remember, but I'll refresh your memory." The more I talked it felt like Katakuri's eyes bore into me more and more.

-"Please enlighten me." As he said that, he crossed his arms. God why does he do that pose so many times? It feels like he's judging me!

-"Um. Well...I may have screwed up with trying to befriend your brother Cracker, and might have pissed him off. I was also drunk while doing so and humiliated myself in front of the whole pub by trying to do a-" Just as I was going to says some of the more hamulating stuff about my past mistakes Katakuri interrupts me. Thank god.

-"Stop. Don't remind me. I remember now. Yeah. I fixed up the mess you made and chaos. Gods that was a headache to deal with." 

-"So I definitely owe you one for doing all that for me. So that's why."

-"Well thank you for the help anyways."


With that the week kind of just rolled by without saying anything. My mind was way too much on the wedding. We we're just playing it cool. We had planned for many conversations that would definitely pop up, so we made a little story. After the wedding, we we're going to tell the family that we broke up after a week of the wedding. Saying that it just didn't work out well and we moved on. 

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