#18: Monkey D. Luffy x Reader

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Retro Love

Modern AU

-{You're point of view}~

-"(Y/NNNNNNNNNN)!!!!" I hear Luffy whine. "I need your help!" What did he do now?

I walk up to his room and open the door. I see Luffy sprawled out on the floor looking like a star fish. He has the TV on and I hear the all too familiar song playing. He was playing 'Kirby' on the super NES. 

-"What's up?" I finally say.

-"I can't beat this level in Kirby..." Luffy whines again.

-"Okay, let's see what we can do." I sit down beside Luffy and press 'A' to start the level. I mean I can do this, how hard can this level be?

-An hour later-

Never mind. This is difficult. I mean I knew games back then were hard to beat, but this is Kirby, for pete's sake! I was designed to be easier!

Now both me and Luffy are sprawled on the ground sobbing at the fact we both can't beat this stupid level. It's like the game was starting to mock us at how bad we were a playing this game. 

-"You know what. Screw it! I'm going to search up on how to beat this stupid level on YouTube!" I scream at myself, yanking my phone out of my pocket and aggressively type in the search bar what I need a video on.

-"Wait. You can do that?!" Luffy jumps in surprise at the comment.

-"The fact that you don't know that is very sad Luffy. But yes, you can do that." I scroll twice to finally find a video that's perfect for what I need. "Come here Luffy. I found a video that can help us." I pat my hand beside me to motion to Luffy to sit beside me and which he does. He sits beside me really closely. And I mean closely. I could feel him breathing on my neck.

-"Woah! Luffy! You're too close!" I regret looking back to see Luffy, because he was REALLY close. I mean, our lips almost touched. I back away as much as I can and try to hide my probably burning red face from him.

-"Sorry!" He shouts. Sitting at a more reasonable distance from me. 

I press play to the video as we both watch intently, seeing how can we finally beat this stupid level. Once the video finishes, we both seem to have the same brain cell at that moment 'cause we both looked at each other at the same moment and burst out laughing at how simple the answer actually was. 

-"How didn't we get that?!" Luffy says through breathes, trying to catch his breath after laughing so hard.

-"I know! It's so simple!" I reply, wheezing as well.

Once laughing again at how stupid it was, we got back up and went back to the game to beat that ridiculous level that was actually pretty simple. With courage we decide that we should finish the game entirely and we do in fact beat the game. It took us four hours though.

-"Holy shit. We did it." I say, lying on the ground sprawled out like a starfish beside Luffy doing the same thing. 

-"We did it!" Luffy grins like always. "Thanks." Luffy whispers, just bearable to hear.

-"That was fun! Thanks for tagging me along!" I smile.

-"Yeah! It was fun!" Luffy smile this time. That smile felt as if it was as bright as the sun! Heck I think it's brighter! Ack! My eyes!



{Writing for luffy was difficult I am sorry, this is more of a platonic relationship.}

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