~Spooks? 2~

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Modern AU

~{You're point of view}~

It was raining. It was raining HARD. Thunder could be heard far off into the distance. It just had to rain on the big day in October. Halloween. 

We we're all in a group, but when the rain started we all started to look for shelter. What we all didn't know was that we we're all getting separated. Zoro. Obviously going to the wrong direction again and me following him to stop him from doing anything stupid, but also from us loosing sight of him again.

We both end up running to an abandoned house for shelter. Zoro and I enter, drenched from the rain and exhausted, we look around for anything to sit down on and wait for the rain to settle down. Zoro ends up spotting an old sofa that looked comfortable enough to sit on, luckily it had a plastic wrap on it so we didn't need to worry to much about what is probably living inside there.

-"Where did you think you were going?!" I scold, not happy how we got separated from the group.

-"I was just looking for shelter!" Zoro snaps at me, not appreciating my attitude.

-"Well we got separated from the group now!" I sit down beside Zoro on the plastic wrapped sofa.

-"What's done is done! Deal with it! Once the rain settles down we'll search for them." Zoro huffs. It doesn't sound like I can add anything more to the conversation now.

Now that we kind of calmed down, I started to truly look at the place. It was definitely abandoned, but nothing gross growing, no mice, it's just really dusty some places.

-"I wonder how long this place hasn't had anyone living in here." I mumble under my breath.

-"I dunno. Maybe a couple of years." I look a Zoro whom has his eyes closed, like he was preparing himself for a nap. I'm a bit astonished at the fact that he heard me.

-"Kind of sad to think about, huh?" It was Zoro's turn to look at me and lifting a brow.

-"What do you mean?" Finally speaking his confusion.

-"Well this place probably had many people live their lives here, people cherishing this place, and then one day they leave and abandoned it. Isn't that a little sad?" 

-"Nothing dies as long as you remember the memories you've had with them." Zoro adds.

-"That's true. Maybe we can do something while we wait for the rain to stop and maybe remember this place?" Zoro chuckles.

-"Sure, ya dork." Zoro stretch's once he lift's himself off of the sofa. "What do you want to do?" Ah yes, the big question. What to do?

-"I'm not sure myself. Do you have anything in mind?" I follow suit and stretch as I get off the sofa.

-"Nah. Not really. Maybe we cant just talk?" He shrugs his shoulders.

-"Sure. Hey look, there's a balcony and there seems some shelter to look outside!" I say, as I rush outside to watch the rain fall and Zoro fallows behind. 

We kind of stood there in silence. So much for talking, huh? We listened to the sound of the rain falling, letting our minds drift off into our thoughts, the cool breeze hitting us, which is way too cold! I started to shiver a bit at the feeling of the biting cold wind blowing at us. It wasn't windy before and I was fine as it wasn't truly cold, but HOLY SHIT I'M FREEZING!!!

Zoro seems to notice my freezing body beside him and decides to shrug off his vest. Throwing it at me.

-"Hey! You could've just handed it to me instead! And what about you? Aren't you going to freeze later?"

-"Nah. I'm built different. I'll be fine." He says it so proudly.

-"Built different?" I ask, trying to hold my  goofy smile.

-"Yep." I try to hold my laugh at how proud he is for such a dumb thing, but I fail and snort can be heard.

-"Are you laughing at me?" He asks me that question as if I'm offending him. In which I probably am. 

I burst out laughing before I can even respond his question. Zoro crosses his arms over his chest, not happy with my outburst of laughter, but you can clearly see his amused face.

After a minute or two of me laughing and wheezing, my laughing settle's down.

-"You done?" Zoro cocks a brow at me, still doing the same pose.

-"Yep! Boy that was a good laugh, and you said it so proudly too!" I snort.

-"You're such an idiot." He sighs.

-"Dumbass." I whisper.

-"Hey!" Zoro starts to chase after me, while I flee away from him in my laughter.

Zoro chases me around the small house and he doesn't seem upset or anything, in fact I think he's enjoying himself with this stupid situation. 

Just as I get out of breath, I stop and turn to look at him for once. But that was a bad idea as he was pretty close to me and he ends up crashing into me, making both of us fall onto the ground and a poof of dust emits in the air from out fall. I guess he was too close to be able to stop.

Sadly, because of how we were placed when we crashed, we're ended up in an awkward position. With him on top of me. :D

Once the dust isn't as much into the air, I get to see his face a little bit more. He is surprised that's for sure, but also he's got a tint of pink at his cheeks. Oh?

Immediately, once Zoro realizes what type of position were doing right now, he gets off of me and helps me up from the ground.

-"Sorry about that. Didn't think you were that close to me while we we're running." I apologize after being lifted from the ground by Zoro.

-"It's nothing. Don't worry, it was just an accident." Somehow, those words slightly stung.

-"Let's get back to the balcony outside." I awkwardly say, hoping to change the subject.

-"You sure? You'll get cold again." Zoro mentions behind me.

-"Nah. Not with your vest that you gave me." I pose fashionably with the vest on me.

-"Eh, alright." 

-"Hey look! The rain settled down!" I point out as we get closer to the balcony.

-"I guess now we can look for the others now." 

-"Let's go Zoro!" I grab his hand and pull him towards the front door of the abandoned house. Again when I look at him, he's got that sweet smile on his face and a tint of pink at his cheeks. Eh, maybe it's my imagination.

Once we get to the entrance I look back and look around the abandoned house we stumbled to. I look back at it and realize, we've made our own memories that we can remember about this place now. I smile and I try to walk out of the house, until I feel a pull at my wrist. 

I turn to Zoro, whom seems to be deep in thought.

-"What's up?" I ask, curious at what he's thinking.

-"You know how we we're thinking of making our own memories of this place?" What a coincidence. :D

-"Yeah? I mean we kind of did already. No?"

-"Well...almost. I've been dying to do this to you." That's when he stepped closer to me and whispered. "Close your eyes." I do what he said and I feel his lips onto mine. 

Now this is definitely something to remember this place by.



Hello! How's it going? Thanks Giving just passed and now I'm pumped for Halloween! How about you? Well I hope you enjoy your day! 


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