~IX : Corazon/Rosinante~

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"Y/n?" The voice I hear behind me sounds all to familiar, I turn my head to the owner of the voice that just called me. It was Rosinante. I wasn't expecting to see a childhood friend today, not when I'm trying to get the bride ready for her wedding.

"Rosinante? What are you doing here? I thought you we're with the groom!" I hissed, trying to get everything ready and calming the bride so she doesn't combust in anxiety and excitement.

"I was wondering how you guys we're doing. All the guest are here and we're ready to start soon." 

"Well I'm trying to calm the bride so she doesn't explode from excitement and anxiety mixed together. But things are moving forward for the bride." I inch the door a little bit more so he can see the who's fumbling with putting on the wedding dress and not mess up her neatly put up hair and make up.

"I think you should help her with that-" Rosinante pointed at the bride almost destroying the dress while trying to put it on.

"Oh Gosh what are you doing! Don't put it on like that!" I yell and I rush to help her put the dress properly and not destroy it.

"I can't help it! I'm going to get married today! Married with the one who I love so dearly." She giggles every time she mentions the fact that she's getting married and talks about her almost husband.

"I know that, but you gotta calm down! You can go kiss you lovely soon to be husband once you put this dress on properly! Rosinante, help me with this!" Rosinante almost puts his foot into the room until the bride yells.

"Wait! Are you sure that he can come over and help me?" Rosinante just stills himself like a deer in headlights, it was pretty funny actually.

"Do you want the dress on or not? And he's fine, if you don't want him here you can shoo him away." 

"No, he can stay."

"Okay, Rosinante come over here!" Once I gave him the go, he rushed his way over here and helped me put the dress onto the bride.

Once the bride was ready to go to do her wedding we notify her father and me and Rosinante went to our designated seats and wait for the bride to enter. 

The reception went really well and you could tell that the two lover's that just got married were so joyful to finally be together till death and now it was now the party part to celebrate that they are now newlyweds.

"Thank you for helping me with the bride." I say while sitting myself next to Rosinante at his table.

"I'm glad I was able to help. Seemed like both of you were stressed."

"Gosh. She kept making mistakes since she couldn't calm her nerves, I mean I don't blame her she's now married. It's a big step in her life. I'm glad for her though, she found a good person to love and live the rest of her life with." I smile. 

"I'm not sure if this is the alcohol talking or if this is my stupidity talking but can I kiss you?"

"What?" I turn to face him. Confusion is all I have swirling my brain by the words he just spoke.

"It's just you're gorgeous and whenever you talk about the marriage you have a bittersweet look in your eyes as if you're wanting that love you feel that you can't have." His face is so serious, but his cheeks tint red. I can't tell if he's blushing because of what he's saying or if he's really drunk like he said earlier, but I must be drunk myself, because I kiss him.

"How's that?" I say after the kiss and he just chuckles.

"Much better than I imagined, but I still haven't kissed you." And with that we kiss again.


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