#1 Scenario: Eustass Kid x Reader

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- I feel like Kid would be one hella of a grump in the morning. Once he's been awoken from his slumber, he's going to be a little difficult to deal with.

-Although Kid prefers to hide his feelings and more known as someone who's tough and scary. I feel like he's just a big softie in the inside, still having his chaotic aura though. So if he doesn't see you in the morning he's going to be extra grumpy. He gets much more calm whenever he's around you and will even be super sweet in the morning if the two of you are in bed together!

-He wont say it, but there was one time where he woke up before you and just admired you dumb you looked while sleeping and even kissed you on the cheek!

-Loves to cuddle once he's going to bed and if you aren't in bed with him and cuddling him. I feel he'll be grumpy all night not having someone like you around.

-Will do cheek kisses when you're sound asleep!

-Loves hugging you to sleep. Makes him feel strong and confident that you feel safe to be with him.

-Hates sleeping alone in bed ever since the two of you were in a relationship and started to sleep in the same bed. He can't get any sleep without you in bed with him.

-Once he wakes up he'll want to stay in bed as long as he can. Until Killer nags you and him out of bed and to get ready.



It's not much. Just had these scenarios in my head once I saw the picture above. I know that Kid isn't exactly like this, but I enjoy fluffy Kid. This is also my first ever scenario so I don't know exactly what I am doing, but I hope you at least enjoyed it! I might do a few more like these for other characters, so keep an eye out for them! :)


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