~III: X-Drake~

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I look around the flowers that surrounds me in the flower shop. Looking for the perfect bouquet for the wedding I'm going to attend to. That's when my eyes land on a bouquet of beautiful coloured carnations. I reach to grab them, but my hands gets touched by another's. The other hands that try to grab the same bouquet as me belongs to a very handsome man with beautiful orange hair. 

"Hello" I say, with a smile on my face. Even though he's a dashing man, he could be dangerous. I hear that there's a few pirates that's been in town. But what caught my eyes was the scar on his face that looks exactly like an X. I wonder how he could've gotten a scar like that on his gorgeous face.

"Good morning, I see your beautiful eyes has also caught the carnations as well." He's says with a sweet smile. Wait. Don't fall for it, he could be a douche... but he looks so sweet. And I can't lie about that voice of his, it's so... sexy. Crap.

"I've also noticed that your eyes have also seen these beautiful carnations, but I wonder why a man like you would be grabbing flowers such as these?" I cross my arms, maybe he's got a girlfriend? I mean I would be surprised if he didn't, but if he does I won't lie that I'll be disappointed. 

"Oh, I wanted to grab them because I'm attending a wedding myself and it was supposed to be a gift." He says with a chuckle. Damn even his chuckle is sexy. Luckily it sounds like he's single...

"A wedding? I'm attending one too! I guess it's the time of month to get married?" Once I mentioned that I was going to attend a wedding as well he seemed shocked.

"Wait, when's the date of the wedding you're attending too? Is it the 28th?" Wait. What? Is he attending the same wedding as me? 

"Yes? Are we attending the same wedding?" 

"I guess so. Nice to meet you, my name's Drake." Drake brings his hand out so I could shake it. 

"(Y/n). Why are you attending the wedding?" And I do shake it, and damn does he have some nice hands... I'm ogling this man way too much, I need to calm down. I just met the man for pete's sake.

"I'm the grooms old friend. We go a little while back. You?" 

"I'm the bride's friend as well. We met when we we're in high school."

"High school? I mean the two of them we're dating back then. And that's also when I met the groom. How did we not meet back then?" That's a good point. I mean there's so many people in that school, but if he was in their circle, then we must've met somehow.

"Drake, right?"


"Wait, you mean X-Drake?"

"The one and only."

"I do know who you are, we did meet in high school. You know in English class and science class? I mean there was a lot of us, I was the kid across from you in the upper row!" Damn he really got hot after the few years. Damn man. 

"I do recognize you now, man it's been a while. And I see that time has treated you well." OH. ohhhh. Well this is nice.

"How about I take you out for coffee? Catch up on what we missed?" Please say yes. Please say yes.

"Absolutely, I would love that. Here take the carnations, I saw another bouquet in the shop that I can take instead." YES, he agreed!

"Why thank you." I respond with a big grin on my face.


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