#2: Sanji x reader

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Nice to meet you.

~{Your point of view}~

Why did this have to happen to me? Nami had set me up with a blind date with one of her many friends. All she said was to have fun. So here I am siting in a café waiting for this mysterious person to come in. Nami did tell me this persons name 'Sanji'. It had a nice ring to it and it rolled of of your tongue as you would say it. 

I looked at the clock on the wall, to see that there was 5 minutes left. I look around me to see that maybe this 'Sanji' came early too. Until I hear a 'cling~' coming from the door. I look to my right to see this gorgeous man walking inside the café. He had beautiful blond hair that covered one side of his face, he had just the right amount of facial hair, his eyebrow twirled a the tip, he had dazzling blue eyes that you could definitely get lost into. Could he be this mysterious man named 'Sanji'? If so Nami, thank you soo very much.

The gorgeous man looked around and spotted me. It seems he maybe 'Sanji' after all as he is walking towards me.

-"Hello there, Milady. Are you perhaps, (Y/n)?" My god even this mans voice sounds like heaven!

-"Yes, I am. I'm guessing you are Sanji?" Nami, I soo owe you for this!

-"I very much am. It's very nice too meet you."

We ended talking a lot at the café and he seems to be a very nice guy. We have a lot in common too. Sanji likes too cook, seems to like his friends a lot, is quite a gentlemen, and he's quite funny. It was definitely slightly awkward at first as we just met, but as we continued talking and telling about our interest are, we started to get more friendly. 

We ended up walking in the park for fresh air and to move a little bit. It was quite nice as it was spring and for some reason nobody comes here. As we we're walking down a small flight of stairs I suddenly miss my step and start falling. I close my eyes preparing for a terrible meeting with the floor. But instead of some terrible pavement, I hit a strong chest. This is now a cheesy romance story.

-"Did you just...fall for me?" Sanji says, winking and chuckling. But for me, I don't just chuckle. I laughed.

-"You might be right." I say still laughing.


This one was short and I know it was on the cheesy side, but I had fun with it. I was using a writing prompt I found and I thought of this really quickly. I hope at least you enjoyed it for what it is.

-Rin :)

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