#3: Smoker x Reader

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Why now?

Small warning = Angst!

~{Your point of view}~

It hurt. It hurt so much. To see the man you loved so dearly, one you called your best friend. Seeing him happy with another. He was already taken and you cold only support him. Your heart throbbed in pain with just the thought of him with someone else and now he really is. I mean he was your boss in the police department as he was chief. 

What sucked the most is that you are on a mission with him as your partner right now and you have to hear about his girlfriend. She sounded like a wonderful person herself. They looked so nice together, but it still stung like a bee.

You and Smoker were on the trail of this one criminal right now. Smoker was driving the car and you were ready to fight. The criminal has been a guy named Blackbeard and he was right in front of you. You guys were so close to get him down until he found a way out of the chase. 

-"We lost, Blackbeard. He could be anywhere right now. Looks for a black Mazda 3 and the license plate XXX-XXX." I say on the radio as Smoker is trying to find Blackbeard again.

Just as we thought we had fully lost them I hear a 'BANG!' coming from behind me. I see that one of Blackbeard's crewmate had shot something, but what?

-"SHIT! (Y/N) STAY CALM!" I look at Smoker confused, until it hit me. I had been shot through the chest. I was bleeding a large amount too. 

-"I need back up now! I am on XXX street! I also need medical treatment too officer (Y/n) has been shot!" Smoker says on the radio trying to get help when we are soo close. 

Things started to get very blurry and hazy as I could barely stay awake and see things clearly.

-"(Y/n), stay with me! Help is coming!" I hear Smoker say, but I felt so sleepy I couldn't stay awake. 

~{Smoker's point of view}~

(Y/n) has been gone for three days now. Things are so different now. It's very lonely without them and I miss them so very dearly.

It has been a week now since (Y/n) passed away and now I am at their funeral. Frick, why does it hurt so much inside?

-"Hello, Captain Smoker!" I turn around to see Coby saluting.

-"You are off duty, you don't need to talk to me so formerly." I say, he seems to having also a hard time with this loss.

-"How have you been doing Chief?"

-"I'm handlining it. How about you?"

-"I'm sad, (Y/n) was a great officer, also a great teacher, but really they we're a great friend to have. Do you have any good memories of (Y/n)?" 

-"I do. I remember that they would almost always talk about this one man they like very dearly. It was quite funny with her reactions. I saddened that they never got to get with that person."

-"Don't you know? That man they we're talking about was you, Smoker."

-"WHAT? But we...we're friends..."

-"Are you sure? I mean they looked at you like you're their entire world."

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