~XI : Penguin~

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I skip my way through the city wondering what I should do today on my day off, but instead I walk aimlessly, look around and seeing people lives. The city always seems more brighter in colour whenever there's a large amount of people around, but it gets more difficult to walk and see in front of you as you bump into people. Not only that people are loud, which is never fun so with a larger crowd, the louder you speak and then they do so and it's a never ending circle. It gets so loud that it hurts the ears just to listen. A crowd is never enjoyable to be around, no wonder people hate people. 

I've finally decided my location to walk and that's a quiet place. With no loud noises and not a lot of people to bump into. I cup my hands over my ears and run for it. Not caring where exactly I'm going as long as it's quiet. 

Although my eyes are open I don't pay attention to my surroundings and ending up in an area I've only came twice, the first out of shear curiosity and the second to bid goodbye. A goodbye with a promise that ended up broken. The docks. 

Once I finally looked around my surroundings and realized that and I ran at the docks made my heart sunk. I wanted to run away from the crowd and I was alright going anywhere. Anywhere but here. 

"Damnit." I hiss under my breath. Remembering memories I don't wish to remember. 

I turn around to turn back, but the place's packed with people with the event going on, but I'm not willing to go back into that hell. Guess I'm stuck being on the docks and walk around. At least the place was quiet with the occasional person walking by, but what I wasn't hoping for was remembering many old memories at this area that are very much unwelcomed.

I sigh. Filled with too many emotions I'm not in the mood to deal with, but too much to bear to bottle them in.

I come to a stop, take off my sandals and sit by the water. Letting my legs flow with the cool water and let the water flow from my eyes. Gosh why can't I forget about him?

Many old emotions start to combust inside of me and I let it all out, knowing no one can see my face right now. 

"Are you alright?" I hear a voice behind me. I turn towards them so fast I'm surprise my neck didn't break, but I knew that voice all to well.

"Penguin?" By his reactions he doesn't seem to recognize me though. 

"You- You know who I am?" 

"Penguin it's me, the kid you hung out with in the neighborhood."

"Wait? Y/n?" I nod at his discovery "Holy cow! You look great! I didn't recognize you since it's been so long!"

"You haven't changed at all." I chuckled.

"But, why where you crying? All alone even."

"Oh no reason, it doesn't matter."

"Well it clearly does if it makes you cry." Penguin inches closer and sits beside me. "I'll listen, I'm here. Just like old times." He gently smiles.

"You didn't keep your promise." I mumble. Not trying to give eye contact.

"I'm sorry, I didn't catch that."

"You didn't keep your promise." I say a little louder and once he heard what I said he froze. Then he chuckled.

"Sorry for being late, but I never forgot our promise Y/n. Why do you think I'm here? Although, I'm sorry that I made you feel this hurt. I should've sent some letter's." 

"So... you're going to let me come with you?"

"Yep! I asked my captain and he was cool with it! Now you get to be free from this place and go on an adventure with us!" I jump with glee and through my excitement I squeeze hug Penguin.

"Woah, a little too tight."

"Oh sorry. It's just... thank you Penguin."

"No problem."


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