#1: Eustass Kid x reader

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What the heck happened last night?

~{Your point of view}~

I open my eyes to the with a terrible headache. I slowly get up in bed, too see that I am not in my own bed. It looks like I am in a hotel room and I'm not alone in this room either. 'Shit' I got too one too many drinks last night with Nami and the others, that I am now stuck in this situation. I look closer to who is this mystery man beside me. I mean he looks like he's a hunk of a man that's for sure and he's also just in his boxer's. 'Frick' Luckily I have more clothing on me, so there's a chance that we didn't do anything to 'risky' last night. I try to look closer at who is this man but it's too dark to actually see. 

What DID happen last night? I keep asking myself this, I can't seem to remember anything at all. The only thing I can remember before I blacked out is when Kid's group arrived at the bar. Nothing else seems to be coming back at all.

-"We didn't do anything." I hear behind me. In a low husky growl of a voice like they just woke up. I spin my head to see the owner of this voice and it's Kid. Eustass 'fricking' Kid. Now I have really done it. 

-"What did happen then?" Hoping I didn't do anything too stupid in my drunken state.

-"You did a  drinking competition with Zoro and Nami and well you got really wasted by doing that, so I was forced to take care of you. I had no Idea where you live and if I asked you, you would slur your words and say some of the weirdest shit. So I just brought you here. The hotel didn't have any other rooms with two beds, so here we are." Kid explains, while trying to put some clothing on. 

-"Did anything else happened last night?" Hoping that was the only thing I did that was stupid.

-"Wow, you really don't remember anything at all? Like nothing that  you did yourself?" Kid says, with a look of surprised but also a bit of an evil look on his face.

-"No. not really. What did I do? Did I try to do something stupid?" All I hear is Kid chuckling. What did I do?!

-"Well you did do some funny shit. One of them was singing. But you did flirt with me and then confessed that you had a huge crush on me." All righty then, I now want to hide under a rock and die. :D

-"Friiiiick...I am so sorry about that Kid. As you know, I was super drunk. And If you don't return the feelings, that's completely fin-"

-"Shut up." Kid interrupts me.

-"I never said that I didn't like you back. But it's good to know that you weren't playing with me when you were drunk." 

-"Can I kiss you?" I blurt out, like the idiot I am.

-"You didn't even need to ask." Just as Kid finished saying that, he locked his lips on mine. And boy was this awesome. 

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