#10: Marco x Reader

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Feelings are interesting

Requested by: @MaRyGe27

Small heads up! = Ace will not be in this Oneshot, because Marco was 43 when Ace died. And when Ace died he was 20 and in this story You're supposed to be 20 with Marco. So Ace wouldn't be in the crew yet, as he joins much later.

~{You're point of view}~

Me and Marco have known each other for years now, ever since we we're children really. We met when we we're six and I may have hit his head with a ball I was playing with at got him upset. That's how we met and we became best friends after that...well after me profusely apologizing to him for three days and always bothering him everyday to become his friend. Then we became best friends. 

After that when we became 12 my parent's moved away and we never got to see each other again until at the age of 16. I was on the island that my parent's moved to and the Whitebeard pirates had chosen my island as one of their destinations. 

I was overjoyed to see Marco again after 4 years and seeing him turning into a fine young man if I do say so myself. Also finding out that Marco was part of the crew for a year now and with that I decided to join the crew as well. I mean I can handle myself, and I can train my ass off on the ship too.

At first Marco disagreed with my decision, but when Edward Newgate or Whitebeard, agreed to me joining the crew, Marco then agreed as well and was happy.

Now it's been a few years now and we're 20 and holy cow, I'm not lying when I say Marco is hot. I may have a bit of a crush on this handsome man. 

The crew has been teasing on how we could be a great couple or when we both have a nice personal conversation together everybody says 'get a room!'. The usual stuff. I wouldn't be lying when I look at his face when ever somebody says that his face goes a little bit red. Cute. My heart flutters at the thought that maybe, just maybe I might have a chance with him and that he may have the same romantic feelings as me. 

Right now it's the middle of the night and I cannot sleep for the life of me. Maybe because I'm monologuing about my past and remembering my memories of one handsome guy. But seriously it's frustrating when this happens.

I get out of bet and grab some 'extra' clothing to make myself look decent, if some one we're to see me on the ship I'd rather look decent enough. And I head out on deck. I feel the cool air breeze my face. my hair blowing in front of my face, making me unable to see. Trying to remove my hair out of my face in the worst way possible, I hear a chuckle behind me, laughing at my misery of horribly removing my hair out of my face. 

-"Need some help-yoi?" I hear behind me knowing that voice all to well and now knowing who laughed at my misery. It was Marco.

-"No. I can do this myself." I say as I successfully remove my hair out of my face. "What are you doing up so late? Had trouble sleeping?"

-"Yeah. so I decided to come out here for some fresh air. What about you-yoi? Same thing?" Marco says, walking to the railing and leaning on it to look at the night sky.

-"Yup. What made you go on deck though?" I walk towards the railing as well and prop myself right beside him, looking at the many stars glimmering in the sky.

-"Had to many things on my mind and needed the clear my head. Why do you ask-yoi?" This time instead of looking at glimmering stars, I look into a beautiful pair of eyes as Marco was looking at me instead of the stars.

-"Just wondering, I've been thinking a lot too." Marco cocks a brow at what I say and with a little bit of a smirk.

-"Oh really? You, thinking. NO WAY." I laugh at his teasing statement and softly punch his arm, as he chuckles at his own joke.

-"What we're you thinking about-yoi?" Marco says, now turning his whole body towards me, arms crossed over his chest.

-"Well...I may be thinking about you and our past together and I'm having a difficult time thinking my life without you in it." With that Marco's face goes slightly red and wearing a bit of a surprised face.

-"Oh? You're thinking about me~yoi?" Marco now moving his face down to face yours and having the biggest grin of his life. He's ready to tease you now if he weren't before.

-"Oh shut up, you oaf!" I say slapping his arm again, but this time a little bit harder.

-"What else  we're you thinking about me-yoi?" Without even knowing it Marco's face came closer to mine, Not to close though! Still keep a good distance of maybe 30 cm. 

-"Well not only was I thinking about how I'm having a hard time thinking a life without you, I am also thinking about how you make me happy and safe. What were you thinking about Marco?" Having an idea on what Marco said, Maybe I should tease back?

-"O-oh...Wow, okay." And with just that I hit the jackpot. I got him flustered.

-"What's this? Marco is lost for words! Wow!" I was having a blast I tell ya. Boy, is it good to see Marco flustered. He's doesn't know what to do with himself and he blushes like crazy. Who thought that it only took that much to get him in this state.

-"A-herm. Well I was also thinking of you coincidentally. I see you a bit differently than just a friend-yoi." As always I'm also flustered. 

-"I know this is a silly question but...what exactly do you think of me, Marco?" I swear our faces are getting closer somehow, cause his face wasn't this close to mine.

-"The way I see you (Y/n), is someone I will always love for whom for, for the rest of my life. Ever since we've been friends I felt differently about you and now I know. I love you-yoi." And with that our faces were so close we could kiss any moment now. It was like my body was moving on it's own. I see that Marco has been feeling it too because his face is red a heck, but he's looking at my lips and switching at my eyes back and forth.

-"I'm in love with you too, Marco." 

With that we both close the really small gap between us and kiss.


Hello! I apologize for the REALLY late update. At first since I live in Canada, Rogers had lost all of internet so I had no internet for a day. Then unexpectedly my family decided to come over at my house and stay over here for four days. So things have been hectic. Thanks again for the request and I will finish the other request as well! Have a good day! :)

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