#8 Zoro x Reader

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Was It Just A Dare?

~{Your point of view}~

-"I dare you to kiss Zoro!" Said Nami, giggling with the other crewmates, giving me a dare that I chose between two questions, truth or dare. I guess I got what I asked for. I sigh. getting up from my now extremely comfortable spot and walking my way towards Zoro. 

-"What a stupid game." I mutter.

-"But you're playing it and so am I apparently." Zoro says, his arms crossed over his chest, Looking up lazily from his seating position.

-"Hey, Zoro. I gotta kiss you, that's my dare." Zoro nods his head and gets up from his seating position. I grab his face and smoosh my lips on his, but before Zoro and I could process the kiss, I pull away and sit back down. Hearing small whistles and cheers as jokes from what just happened. After that everything went back to the game. It's just a game. But why does this feeling seem to pop up every time I think about the kiss or every time I glance at Zoro? Am I over thinking this? I probably am.


All day I have been bothered by the fact that I kissed Zoro. It's like my mind won't let me forget it. I'm even avoiding Zoro because of this! Now that I think about it, his lips did takes like sake. But I mean he loves the stuff. It's like my body wants to kiss him again! Gosh! This is driving me nuts!


Okay it has been a week now and I still cannot forget that stupid kiss! I'm even remembering odd things whenever I'm around Zoro, like when we touch hands or other stupid things! Why is this happening to me?! GAH!

-"Hey, (Y/n)? You free?" I hear behind me. I know the owner of that voice all to well. My good friend, Usopp.

-"Hey, Usopp. I'm free right now, what do you need?"

-"Just wanted to give a different and better, hopefully, version of you weapon." Usopp hands me a awesome looking weapon that looks almost the exact same, but there are some different features.

-"What so you think?" Usopp says.

-"This looks awesome! Thanks Usopp! I'll give it a try later and see how it is!" I say, holding tightly the weapon he just made me with joy.

-"Hey, have you guys seen Zoro? He got lost, again." Nami says, while poking her head through the door frame.

-"No, I haven't seen him at all today. How about you, Usopp?" I respond, worried that Zoro might get in trouble for something.

-"Nah, neither have I. Have you asked the others Nami?" Usopp crossed his arms.

-"I asked the others too. Nothing. They all went searching for Zoro. Just wanted to make sure with you guys. He probably went training after we dropped our anchor." Nami shakes her head.

Me and Usopp both say okay and went our separate ways to look for where ever the heck Zoro went. Nami told us before we left for searching that most of the others went towards North, West and that we should try the east area. So here I am going South, East. 

After a while of walking in the scorching heat and burning sand, I finally spot Zoro. He was definitely training alright. Training with no shirt on too~. Wait- stop it! No! 

When I got closer to Zoro it looked as if he had a lot on his mind and it was troubling him immensely.

-"Hey, Zoro." I chipped. Walking closer towards him.

-"Hey, (Y/n). Why are you here?" Zoro drops what ever he was training on and focuses on me while grabbing a towel.

-"Everybody's searching for you, thinking you got lost again and I happen to be the first to find you!" I grin. "But while I was walking here I saw that there was something that's troubling you. what's wrong?" I sit on a random rock beside me and patting the space next to me, telling Zoro to sit next to me and does so.

-"How could you tell?" 

-"I have my ways. Now tell me, what's troubling you?" Zoro chuckles and gosh I wish I could hear that everyday.

-"A lot has been on my mind lately. It's about this one person and they have been clouding my mind about two weeks ago. I did ask the others about this and they said that I may have a little crush on this person and they have been teasing me about this too. It's kind of why I'm here training." My ears perked at the sound of him having a crush??

-"Can I know who this person is? I could maybe help, instead of teasing you." I nudge him in the shoulder.

-"Hm, I don't think I want to do that. It might get awkward afterwards." 

-"Oh, really? So the others get to know but not me! You wound me Zoro!" I playfully put my hand over my chest, acting wounded. "But, it's completely fine if I don't know. I just hope that in the end things goes well you the both of you." I say, as Zoro chuckles again.

-"Thanks (Y/n), this means a lot." He's smiling, gosh that smile could kill somebody.

-"I mean I'm in a similar situation. I've gotten this one person on my mind this whole week! After just kissing them because of a dare! And now I just can't get them out and I think of such odd things that I would never think of for the others. It's driving me nuts!" I say without think. realizing what I had just said. I knew I could not go back.

-"Oh? Last time that I remember the last person you kissed was me and that was a week ago. And it sound around the lines of a crush here. Have you've been thinking about me, (Y/n)~? " Zoro says, leaning towards me. SHIT. He got me. What do I do? 

-"I- Uh- Shit. You got me, Zoro." I say in defeat. Knowing this isn't going to go well. But what surprised me most was Zoro's face. It was like he wasn't expecting me to say yes to his theory. He was...shocked.

-"Wait- I wasn't expecting you to agree on that. So...uh. that crush thing. Do you really...like me that way?" Zoro was really surprised and his way of cooping with that is hilarious.

-"Well, if you really put it like that, I guess you're right. But you're reaction to this is quite interesting. Am I  the one person you we're talking about earlier?" I chuckle as Zoro's face starts to get even redder from before. He was really blushing!

-"Um...Yeah. You are that person. That's why the others dared you to kiss me." It was truly cute to see Zoro's softer side as he always shows his more mature a cooler side. This was nice. 

-"Well, I've been wanting another one of those kisses you give, but this time a bit longer?" I say. After I said that Zoro inches closer to my face as well as mine and we lock our lips together. This was a much nicer kiss than before that's for sure. 

The End~

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