~VIII : Trafalgar Law~

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This morning was a little nerve-wracking since I just realized I am super behind on my shopping for a wedding I'm supposed to attend. So I rushed a list to what I need to buy and set out for the stores. I need a dress, shoes, flowers, a gift, and a little bit of money to give. Plus I don't have a plus one. I mean I don't need one, but it's nice to have one so you're not alone. I don't have anyone that comes in mind as a plus one though or if I did have any ideas, they seem to already have one, I mean it's not my problem that I'm a single pringle. Put that aside, I've got shopping to do!

I rush out the door and ready to do some shopping, till I forget to grab my purse and I need that to pay. So I walk back inside, grab my purse and now I'm ready to go shopping.

I hop in my car, start it up, hear the engine hum and I press on the gas. I start by going to the mall, there's multiple stores and I can buy multiple things much faster than going to store to store. Once I enter the mall I quickly walk my way to a few clothing stores that I know I'll find something decent to wear at the wedding, but every store I stop as doesn't seem to be my taste either too revealing or too old-fashioned and not my style at all.

I sigh and look at the other options on the list. Shoes. Eh, I have some old pairs that I used to wear that will perfectly be fine to wear. So cross that off the list. Next up on the list is flowers, I know a store just by. perfect! 

I rush my way out and quickly drive to the store, trying to think what would be a good type of flower that would go well at the wedding. Maybe some red roses? I mean the bride loves them since they represent love and it's her favourite colour. Guess I know what bouquet I'm getting.

I park at the front of the flower shop ready to pick out and grab the bouquet I chose to take, but I guess that my brain was too focused on getting the bouquet instead of paying attention of my surroundings that I end up bumping into someone. 

"Oh, sorry about that!" I yelp once I've realized what I've just done. Taking a minute to look at who I've just bumped into and oh. Oh shit he's hot. 

He just glanced at me and nodded. He doesn't seem one to talk much. "Don't worry, it's okay" oh god his voice is even better than I imagined! God I hope he's not taken, but by his looks and amazing voice there's no way he's single.

"Y/n?" I hear a male voice behind this sexy man. The voice sounds pretty familiar though. "Y/n! It's really you! How are you doing!" Ah, it's penguin I wonder where Shachi is though, they inseparable so it's obvious that he's going to be here as well, but why are they with this hottie?

"Hey Penguin! It's been a while! How are you doing!" I jump in excitement, it's been too long since I've seen this dumbass. "Where's Shachi? You guys are inseparable last time I saw you guys."

"He's just in the bathroom. Same as always. How are you doing? Has been too long since we've met!" 

"I know! But I have to wonder are you here for a wedding?" I mean Panguin and Shachi knew the groom and the bride same as me so there's gotta be a chance that their coming too.

"Yep! Let me guess the same thing for you?"

"Bingo. Roses for the bride?" Penguin giggles and lifts a bouquet of roses.

"Got that right. Guessing you're here for the same. There's some in the other isle you should grab one before their all gone!"

"Thanks I'll be back!" I rush to grab the bouquet of roses and come right back to see Shachi arrived from the john.

"Hey Shachi! It's been a while!" I wave.

"Y/n! Hey! How you've been?"

"Same old. Getting the roses too."

"I'm not surprised that they invited you too."

"Oh! We haven't introduced you to Law. This is our captain to our crew!" So his name is Law? 

"Hello! I've know Penguin and Shachi from college." I stick out my hand hoping for a handshake.

"Nice to meet you." His hand is so delicate and soft. Not what I was expecting, but a nice surprise.

"Law's coming to the wedding too, but doesn't know what to grab for the wedding. We both suggest the roses, but Law refuses. Maybe you can help him out?" 

"You guys are grabbing roses and now they're grabbing roses too, isn't it a little annoying getting the same thing over and over."

"I mean what to you want to give as a message in the flowers?" I suggest.

"Have a happy love? I guess." Law shrugged.

"Well roses mean love and romance already, one of the reasons why I'm grabbing them but the bride loves roses because of them, but another great option is tulips, carnations, orchids, peony's. They would be great if that's what you're looking for." 

"Thanks for the help." Law mumbles and walks by some tulips it seems. I guess I helped.

"Thanks a lot Y/n. He didn't know what to grab and we didn't know what else to give than roses." Penguin sighs.

"No problem! I'm glad to help!"

"Hey you're still single right? So I'm guessing you're coming to the wedding alone?" Shachi asks, getting a little too personal.

"Yeah? Why do you ask?"

"Oh no reason, just curious." Shachi glances at Penguin. Almost having a silent conversation through their minds. God what are these idiots plotting. 

"Hey, Law you're going to the wedding alone right?" Once Law came back from getting a small bouquet of tulips Penguin comes over and asks him the question. Ah, that's what their doing. 

"Yeah. You already knew that."

"Oh I guess I forgot~" Penguin snickers and runs with Shachi to the cashier to pay for their flowers. These idiots. 

"How did you get to know these knuckleheads?" I ask.

"Honestly I don't know how I deal with them. I seam to attract idiots." I giggle.

"Well you're surely stuck with them once you meet them."

"You say you met them in college?"

"Yep. We we're in the same classes so we just talked and became friends."

"Odd since I went to the same college. I took a different profession, so I wasn't with them all the time, but I hung out with them then. Yet I've never seen you."

"We just talked in class, I was too busy with work and homework to hang out with them outside of school. Plus they always went to the crew so I guess you're their boss?"

"Yeah. The whole crew kind of imposed that on me. Well it was nice to meet you, Y/n." Once he says that he walks his way to pay the flowers.

"Same here." I smile. 


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