5.1k/9875 Special!!!

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I'm super excited to announce the fact that this One Shot book finally reached 5.1k views! (On Wattpad!) On Ao3 I have 9875 people whom have looked too! My god! You have no idea how shocked I was when I went looking to how many people have read my series and I'm so happy! I'm glad to hear that people are enjoying this book and I'll continue to be better! But since this is a special as well I'll be making a One-shot for this too! :) 

Thanks again for commenting and even adding a kudos to the chapters I make, I'm always happy to see that someone enjoyed a chapter that I was able to write. Thank you very much for  everything.

What I did was randomized a bunch of character's names in a generator and it chose Penguin!


~{You're point of view}~

I sigh and I have my head on my hands looking at the blue sky and blue sea. Vast and yet, never ending. It feels like we've been stuck on the sea for forever since we went on that island a few weeks ago.

Law's been giving us all orders to keep the submarine squeaky clean. 

I put my grip back onto the stick of the mop and keep mopping the dammed deck. Removing any kind of bacteria that had dared to come onto our ship. 

I mean being in this submarine is cool and all, but being at sea for more that 2 weeks starts to wear on you and with all this cleaning everyone has been busy. So not much social time with the crew, especially me and Penguin. We've been dating for a few months now, and we do spend a lot of time together, but with all the cleaning and scrubbing. We haven't gotten a chance to have an actual date in a while, let alone actually spending time together than being surrounded by rowdy men and not being able to be alone together for more than 3 seconds sucks. 

Today was one of those days too, I would be mopping floors, cleaning cabinets, washing the bathrooms, and more. We were all busy doing some type of cleaning. 

Until we all heard one of our crew mates yelling out that they can see an island near by. Finally. We can actually go on land.

Law seems to have heard the news as well and agrees to go and dock the island to restock our produce. Law also seemed to notice that everyone was getting tired of cleaning all the time and not having any time to ourselves that he let us go have fun for the day. Perfect.

Once we dock everyone was in a rush to actually feel land again, everyone roamed around checking the place out, but I was more busy looking for Penguin, but I can't seem to find him. I ask around wondering if the others saw him of know where he could be, but I got nothing. Not even Ikkaku knew! 

I look around the island myself roaming it. But I still can't find him. Just until I think I lost all hope to having a chance to spend time with him, I feel a hand grab my arm. 

-"Don't freak out. It's me." I didn't need to look at the face to know who that was. Penguin was behind me.

-"Close your eyes, I'll lead you to somewhere." Penguin chuckles as he puts a piece of cloth over my eyes to make sure I don't see anything and leads the way.

-"Okay." I respond as I let him drag me where ever he's leading me towards. 

Without being able to see, there was a few times where I almost fell over, but Penguin was always there to prevent that from actually happening. 

Soon enough we come to a stop.

-"Are we there?" I giggle as I ask the question. This feels so silly for some reason.

-"We sure are. Stay right there, I'm just going to remove the blindfold." I hear him walk behind me by the crunches of the leaves. After feeling the blindfold getting a little looser around the eyes, I open my eyes to see where has Penguin led me to on this island we're on.

I was filled with joy once I saw what Penguin had prepared for us. A picnic. Sure it's nothing fancy, but we haven't been able to do much together as a couple and I had asked a while back if we could do a picnic. It seems that he remembered.

Filled with overwhelming joy, I turn around to give a hug to my awesome boyfriend. 

-"Can you stop squeezing me so we can eat?" I hear him chuckle while I let him go from my grasp.



We stay there at the picnic for quite a while, talking, eating food, laying on the cloth and looking at the sky. You know, the usual. But for some reason, it felt a million times better with just him. It almost felt as if it was just us being together. I was nice and relaxing. 

What probably made it a 100 times better was watching the sunset slowly through the day. 

-"Thank you for remembering." I say laying my head onto his shoulder.

-"You're welcome. Anything for you." 


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