#20: Katakuri Charlotte x Reader (Part 2!)

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Requested by Rusa09 on Ao3!

This is a continuation of the one-shot I did #14!

~{You're point of view}~

The image still in my mind from the kiss Katakuri gave me in front of the bar. It seems to be wanting to be forever on repeat. Not wanting to stop. Each time I think about it I'm amazed by how bold Katakuri was, he's truly a different person while he's drunk.

We haven't spoken since the kiss, as if he's embarrassed by how bold he was, I also think he's giving me space to process the kiss and think for an answer for him. 

Since Katakuri is drunk, I was the default person to drive the car and bring us to the hotel. On the road Katakuri fell asleep, I mean it makes sense, one today was a crazy day with everyone rushing to get things done, interacting with people and you know how his family is like, I mean having to lie to his family probably wasn't easy, having the stress of this whole event for quite a while and it's pretty late into the night.

There are many reasons why it makes every sense for him to fall asleep inside the car. Finally having the time to take a break is probably really nice for him. 

I look over to look at Katakuri sleeping for the first time at a red light. He looks so peaceful even though he's drunk.

Once I arrive I have to deal with having the struggle to carry him inside the hotel and dragging him to his room. People seemed really perplexed by my strength by carrying and dragging this giant of a man.

Although once I do settle him inside his room (not waking him up somehow? He's really tired if I can do all that I did.) and I arrive in my own room as well. I can finally relax and not be on my toes too much during the night. That's when I remembered the kiss and the answer I got to answer. Why does this man drive me nuts! 

I mean do I like him romantically? Do I want to go into a romantic relationship with him? 

a series of questions ran through my head, never knowing an answer to any of them. Seconds pass by, the seconds turn into minutes, then turn minutes to hours. Never knowing an answer to any of this. I mean this is ridiculous. 

He might not even remember since he was drunk, but I do know that Katakuri does have an amazing memory, so my chances of that happening aren't great.

That's when it hit me, "don't stress over the answer." the words he had told me. That's right, he didn't want to pry an answer from me. I mean, he truly is a pretty sweet guy, even though he can be a little on the colder side. He's very loyal that's for sure. 

I grab my phone and look at the pictures I took with him, so maybe I can get an answer that way, seeing old memories and see how I feel about this relationship thing. 

Looking at those series of pictures did help giggling at old silly memories and realizing that I do enjoy my time with him and it could work as a relationship, but what's probably troubling me most would probably be that am I ready for a relationship and one with Katakuri at that.  

I want to give him a chance to see how I could go as a romantic relationship and we could see how it's going and we might stay in the relationship or we can go back as friends, right? I dunno, I'll speak about this later in the morning with Katakuri, plus I'll be in a better head space to think properly. I mean I'm quite tired as well.


In the morning and after I get ready to go back downstairs for some food to eat and maybe catching Katakuri along the way and talking to him about everything that happened as him as a drunk, the kiss, the relationship part, and mostly knowing if he actually remembers.

For a little while I don't run into him, but by the time I finish my breakfast I catch Katakuri at the bar trying to get food to eat. (Probably looking for a donut to eat, but instead he has to go with a bagel.)

I hop out of my seat and put my tray away and head my way towards him, notifying him that I'm around and wanting to talk. Which he does notice me. 

-"Hey, Katakuri. How are you feeling?" I gently ask, not wanting to provoke any hangover he might have.

-"Good morning. I'm a bit exhausted and I have a slight headache. How about you?" He responds, grabbing the last few things he wants to have for breakfast before trying to find a table to sit at.

-"Just tired. Small question, do you remember anything that happened last night?" Walking to a table to sit at, Katakuri doesn't respond immediately, but when he responds it was with a very short and quick nod, he even looked away blushful, as if he doesn't want to remember any of it at all. It seems he's embarrassed from now looking back on what he did last night.

-"Okay...so...since you're all sobered up and it's tomorrow now. I guess you do deserve that answer now. Do you...want to hear it?" I ask, maybe he doesn't want to actually have the answer? 

-"I would much appreciate it if you do. I'm sorry for my...behavior last night." I chuckle by how bashful he is, he hasn't actually looked me in the eyes since we greeted each other. 

-"Well I wanted to talk to you about my answer and see where we can go with it all. I am interested in having a relationship with you, but I have no idea how it will go, so I thought maybe a few dates or actually going into the relationship as like a small test and see how things go along the way. If we feel as if it doesn't work out we can always go back as friends. What do you think about that?" He seemed eager to hear my response and once he heard it, he did seem excited? I have no idea, I'm guessing over here.

-"I like that idea. It's quite matured too. I'll do it. We can do the whole trial/test thing and see how things go and go fourth from there." I'm glad he liked it.

-"Now since I've finished eating my breakfast, I'd like to show you something...if that's alright, but we will have to go somewhere more secretive."

-"Oh? What is it?"

-"You'll see."

-"It's nothing...like...you know."

-"WHAT NO! Get your mind out of the gutter!" With Katakuri's outburst, people start looking towards our direction confused by what's going on. We leave immediately from any more embarrassment.

After Katakuri puts away his trash, we both decide to go to Katakuri's room since there's not much of a difference as our rooms are right next to each other. We go inside his room, really awkwardly and he seems to be taking deep breaths to prepare himself before to what ever he's showing me. He then grabs his scarf and that's when it clicked in for me. He's going to show his face to me.

I truly didn't think he would have the courage to show his face that early into this relationship, in fact I though he would never show me his face, but here I am watching him remove that scarf slowly remove itself from his beautiful face. And OH MY GOD, is he handsome as fuck! 

My mouth gapes by how handsome he looks! But Katakuri just becomes bashful by my staring.

-"What do you think?"

-"What do I think!? I Think that you don't need my validation for that amazing face you've got! You're handsome as fuck Katakuri!" He seems to be surprised by my sudden outburst. Heh.

-"You don't think me as a monster?"

-"Why would I?" he seems so confused by my reaction to is face.

-"Well...my scars, doesn't it scare you or anything?"

-"Again. Why would I?" He seems even more perplexed by my response to all of this.

-"Well people-" I didn't want to hear any of it. So that's why he wears that scarf all the time. He's afraid. Cute. But I decided to shut his mouth of his by the best known technique there is. Kissing. 

Katakuri was shocked at first that's for sure, but accepted it and boy does he have some kissable lips! Cheesy, I know.



Thank you again Rusa09! I really enjoyed making more content for him! I hope you enjoy this second part of the one-shot! 

And for the other folks out there, I hope you enjoy some more Katakuri content! :)


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