#12: Trafalgar Law x Reader

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The magical colour red

~{You're point of view}~

-"Mama, how did you and papa get together?" I asked, with curiosity of my 5 year old mind. Look up at my mother as she reads a book.

-"*Chuckle* OH, Peanut what makes you ask that type of question? Well it isn't that magical like in your books, but have you ever hear of the tale of 'the red string of fate'?" Mom said, crouching on her knees to be eye level with me. I shake my head no. Attentively listening to her.

-"Well then, the red sting of fate is invisible to the eye until you kiss your soulmate. Once you do kiss that person, you will be able to see a red string biding you to that person as they are your soulmate. That is how me and your father met. Then we got you, Peanut." Mom said. In my tiny 5 year old brain found it amazing at the thought that you can find someone that special in your life.

Now in the present and I haven't found my one and only called 'soulmate'. Every time I try to go in to a relationship with someone and they find out that I'm not their 'soulmate', they immediately breakup with me, I mean a soulmate doesn't mean that their going to be the one true love, what happens that your soulmate is someone you despise and you're stuck with them.

Today was a celebration for the crew that I have joined in. They call themselves the Heart Pirates. I truly enjoy myself with these idiots, they make everyday enjoyable. Even our grumpy captain Trafalgar Law and I wouldn't lie that I may have an interest with him. But I'll never have a shot with this guy. 

We were at a pub tonight to celebrate the fact that we we're in the 'New World' and I'm pretty sure that more than 50% is drunk at the moment, heck I could be drunk at the moment as well as I had probably too many drinks that I can count. And yet we still continue with the drinking games.

-"I call that we do 'Truth or Dare' as our next game! But if you don't wanna do the dare or tell the truth you drink a shot!" Slurred Penguin, sitting right beside Shachi whom which is also probably really drunk.

-"Yeah! I wanna play that!" Says Shachi and some others agree as well. Why would they want to continue drinking if their all drunk? I'm pretty sure Law doesn't want to deal with peoples hangovers in the morning. Eh. Whatever, I'll play a round or two and quit it there, plus it'll be fun to see the outcome with how creative they'll get with the dares.

After maybe 15 minutes, we got to make some of the crew members do some pretty creative stuff that I would have never thought of. It was pretty funny actually. Luckily for me no one has noticed me and asked me anything-

-"It's my turn to pick now...(Y/n), truth or dare?" Fuck. I knew exactly what they we're going to ask me. They tease me everyday about Law and how I have eyes for him. Great, just great. I regret everything now.

-"I choose truth." And with that their face contorted into an mischievous smirk.

-"All right~ Do you have a crush on our handsome captain Law~" What are we, six? Gosh I wish I left before this. I grab the bottle of tequila and pour it into the small glass. I hear a few people saying 'ooo' as I take the shot.

And with that it was Shachi's turn to choose whom shall go next and his eyes landed on me. He had a sweet smile on his face, but I knew all to well that he was going to do the same thing to me and knew full well I can't take another shot. Fuck.

-"(Y/n)~ Truth or dare!" Crap what do I do now? Both options suck. Which ever one I take I'm screwed. Feeling confident I choose dare, maybe it was the shot I just took, as alcohol is called liquid confidence. 

-"Dare." I hear some more 'ooh' in the audience as Shachi and Penguin both smirk. 

-"Confident are we? Alright then, kiss our captain." I hate you Shachi. I can see that people expect me to take another shot, but I seriously can't take another. I stand up and walk my way towards our captain. Everybody's face was awesome to see, as they we're shocked, but I didn't want to do this at all.

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