~IV: Katakuri~

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I skip my way towards a flower shop, since I'm planning to buy a bouquet for a wedding, just until I start crossing a beautiful bakery. I could really go for a donut right now. It seems that my stomach agrees with me. I put my hand on the handle of the glass door of the entrance of the bakery an push it to smell the beautiful scent of sugar and flour. Yep. This is a good bakery to stop by. And a perfect way to treat myself for a long busy week.

I walk my way to the counter to look a the menu that's spread out on four different chalk boards with many sweets listed on with different colours of chalk. They even added little doodles of the deserts to make it even more cute to begin with. But right now I got a specific donut that I want to eat right now and that's a Boston cream. My eyes gladly spot the specific donut I have in mind and with that I'm ready to order.

Right before I can order though, a man steps first to the cashier. He seems to know what he wants as he egger to get some sweets. And does he order quite the amount. Mostly donuts though. Can't argue with that. But one thing that really stands out about this man is his height, my god is he tall. He's gotta be around 7'9 feet at least! I have no idea what kind of guy he is, but he's really intimidating, he's tall as fuck, wears all leather, and boy is his voice deep. (Not gonna lie though, it's kinda sexy. but no one's gotta know that.)

Once he's finished and walks his way to the side to wait for his order. I'm lucky enough that there's a few donuts left, and I rush my way to the counter so no one else can steal that Boston cream away from me. 

Now with my donut in hand, I walk my way back to the flower shop. 

With my donut finished and my hands covered in chocolate. I arrive to the flower shop. 

I enter the store with a ring with the door having a bell at the top and the scent of many different kinds of flowers hits my nose like a truck, not that I mind. I browse the store a little bit, until I find some Dahlia's sitting brightly in a row of many different kinds of flower's. I'll definitely getting those. Now with the flowers I need I walk my way to the cashier and pay for these flowers. Just when I turn around the door opens and the man from the flower shop is there? 

Getting a front view of him really helped to know exactly what he looks like and he's scary. Like intimidating scary. Would not want to mess with this guy. I look down to see the many boxes from the bakery in his hands. He's got four boxes for sweets. He either has a major sweet tooth or he's has a huge family to share that with. (Or maybe both? ;D )

I walk my way out of the shop and move on with my day. 


It's now the wedding day and woah is there a LOT of people here. My god. But to my surprise the bride's side has the BIGGEST family than anyone who's invited. I mean I'm just the groom's friend, but woah. And too my very big surprise one of the bride's older brother's is the very intimidatingly scary man that I met at the flower shop. I have no idea how the bride who looks like an angel have a terrifying brother like him. 

But, for some reason. My mind said scary, my body said sexy. Because, damn does he look good in a suit. BUT, that doesn't mean I should approach him and my body said, nah we meetin' this big guy. A that moment I regretted every decisions I had in my life. 

"Hello." I said with a smile, once I got close enough towards him to have a conversation. How the heck do I converse with this guy????????????

"Hello." He said with a gruff. Oof, he's definitely NOT going to be easy to talk too.

"I hear you're the bride's brother? I met you at the flower shop a few days ago." What am I saying???????? *Scream internally*

"We did? I don't truly recall, I was quite busy that day." At least I got more than a word out of his mouth.

"Oh I see. Well, do you like sweets? At the flower shop you had many boxes of the bakery in your hands." He arches his brows, in curiosity and confusion. Is he confused to why I am talking to him? 

"I do like sweets. But not all boxes we're for me, two of them we're for the rest of the family. One of them was for Mama." One whole box for himself? Huh.

"Woah, that's a lot of sweets to eat. I gotta ask and you probably get asked this a lot, but how many siblings do you have?"

"84 sibblings." What. Wait, did I hear that right? 84???! 84 SIBLINGS????? 

"I'm sorry did you say 84?"


"Wow. That's quite the family."

"Yes, it is. But we are family and we are pretty close. You get used to it." 

"I see. That's pretty interesting."

"How do you know the groom?" Him starting a conversation now, huh. But it still feels really awkward to talk to this man.

"I'm a close friend of his, we've known each other for a little while."

"You must be surprised by how large the family is then when you arrived."

"I did, but honestly, if you guys are close and a happy family. Then that's what matter's most."

"Just so you know, most of the younger siblings are adopted." He must've read my mind, or he gets asked this way to many times.

"Okay. That makes more sense now. Sorry, I must sound pretty rude."

"You're just curious. What confuses me, is why are you talking to me when I have much more friendlier siblings."

"You're the one I saw first. I just wanted to know you better."

"Interesting choice, might I say. What's you're name anyways." Wait... did I break the ice? 

"(Y/n). And you?" 

"Katakuri." Katakuri, what an interesting name...

"Well it's nice to meet you Katakuri."

"Same here." 

We chatted for a little while, him introducing some of his siblings that come along, but I will say he's intimidating, but a sweet guy. Same thing as he eats, as he loves to eat donuts. It was quite nice to get to know this giant guy and not going to lie, but I'm a bit attracted to him. 

But now it was time for the bride to throw the flowers to the crowd. She throws quite far that it hits Katakuri in the head. But he's the one who caught it. I guess it's because of his giant height.

I laugh a bit at his situation, I don't think he was expecting a bouquet in his face.


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