Day 1

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~{You're point of view}~

It's was the annual cooking competition which is televised each year, it's always before Christmas and everyone loves to watch it and see everyone make their own food for the show.

Each year, everyone who joins the competition will be told what to recreate, but you're allowed to make you're own twist to it. The prize is obviously money, like any competition that's televised.

I was lucky enough to be able to join in this year as contestant and not someone who's watching the show. I'm so excited right now, I want to prove myself to everyone and show how good I am with cooking!

So here I am on stage with a pretty good amount of contestants this year, ready to be told what to recreate.

-"Hello and welcome everyone! Here are our new contestants this year, this year we we're able to get the double amount of contestants and here's the reason why! Our marvelous judges, wanted to have a twist to change things up! So they have decided to have everyone pared up by a partner by random and see how they'll cook!" My stomach dropped at the pit of mu stomach once I hear everything the announcer says. I'm going to be paired up with someone? Someone who I do not know? Oh god this'll go really bad.

-"And for the prize money we have decided to also double that amount so the two contestants that are paired up and win the prize will be able to split the money!" Right, the prize money. To be honest I don't really care about the prize money, but at least they took that into consideration.

-"As for the food creation's, you may pick anything you want to make, but I must be a desert and the desert must either be a cake, a pie, or some cookies that are different than you're usual store bought ones!" Well, that's going to be interesting with negotiation with some of the groups.

-"Now for the real fun to begin! The partners you're going to join up with is quite simple, you're all going to grab a piece of paper in this box here, the number on the paper will be who you're partnered up with. Once you obtain your paper wait to find your partner with the same number on the paper! Have fun!" Once the lady announces the rules for the partnership we're going to have to do, she then takes a white box and places it on a table and lets everyone to go and grab their paper.

Once I get my paper I look at the number to see whom I got. I got number "1".

The tactic that everyone's doing to find their partner is by yelling out their number. So far, I got nothing, until a boy jumps into the air and yells his number.

-"I GOT NUMBER 1!!! WHO'S MY PARTNER?!" Oh shoot, that's me!

-"Me! I got number 1 too!" I wave my arm in the air, hoping he can spot me in this large crow. Once the boy spots me, smiling brightly rushing his way over to me.

-"Hi! I'm Monkey D. Luffy and I'm going to be king of the pirates!" Okay, I got an energetic kid as my partner. Oh boy.

-"Hello, Luffy. The name's (Y/n). What do you think for making a desert for the contest?" I introduce myself and ask the big question, since we're going to be working as a team we got to figure out what exactly we're going to cook. he seems to ponder what exactly to bake for the contest, but seems to just bail any idea he had and say.

-"I dunno, you pick! You're the chef and I'll help!" Well that makes things a little bit easier.

-"Alright then, how about an apple pie? I have an older recipe from my grandfather that's really good?"

-"Oooooh! Sounds awesome! May I have a piece after?" I chuckle, he's kind of cute.

-"If there's still some left."

Since we agreed to what we'll be baking for the contest we had to find our station to actually start baking and getting this over with. 

I tell Luffy what ingredients and how many we'll need to start our baking. I quickly preheat the oven and quickly grab the bowls, the whisk, spatulas, you know, the usual stuff you need to use for baking.

Once I finish prepping the kitchen area Luffy comes back with...most of the ingredients we need and meat? I never mentioned meat before...what the heck? I shrug it off as we need to finish cooking as quickly as we can so the pie can cool off before serving. I rush back to the pantry and grab the extra stuff that Luffy had forgotten to grab and rushed back into our kitchen.

I started with the dough which will be the pie crust. It was simple enough, but it took time to make, that's what we need most. Time. And we don't have a lot of it to start with. while baking the dough I was asking Luffy to give me the ingredients, he seemed to more enjoy that then actually baking himself.

Once I finished with the dough I ask Luffy the grease the pan and I gently put the uncooked crust into the pan. Once finished with that I put it into the oven and start the timer, I mediately go to the next step and go with the apples inside. The filling.

Luffy's job was to check the pie crust to see if it's burning or not and to peel the many apples skin, while I was in charge with the filling and cutting those dammed apples.

We we're able to finish with prepping the apples quickly and start taking the crust out of the oven and add a little less heat to the oven. Adding the filling and finally putting the pie inside the oven and all we had to do was wait. 

Luffy was chosen to taste test the filling of the pie to see if it was okay, in which he said in his words exactly. "This is the best pie filling I've ever had! And I've had Sanji's coking!" Which I did not understand, but it must be good if he says that.

After waiting for an eternity for the pie to finish baking we we're finally able to take it out from the oven and still have plenty of time left. I check the pie seeing if everything's all okay, nothing under cooked or over cooked and it was a success! 

Luffy cheers at our success at making my grandfather's pie fast enough to beat the timer. 

The judges we're the only things left for us to see if we did a good job. 

While waiting for the timer + while waiting for the pie and cooking some stuff for the pie, he kept eating? Luffy would be eating random things, but mostly meat that he found from god knows where as I couldn't find any in the pantry. (Maybe he ate it all? He was eating a lot of it. I think it's his favorite food?) I was always left confused whenever he ate.

But finally, the timer was done and we we're able to show our apple pie to the judges. Their reaction at first was probably confused as everyone went for more extravagant cakes or desserts from their country, but for me it's a simple apple pie. But oh, once they bit their first bites, it was hilarious to see how surprised they we're and we got a pretty good score too! We we're in the top 5!

Some of the other's we're curious to know the recipe even the judges wanted to know to make some at home, but I decided to keep my mouth sealed as I knew it made it even more special. Heh.

We we're able to eat a piece of our pies which made Luffy excited and super happy. He was so surprised by how good it was that he wanted me to join him on his adventures just so I could make the pies all the time. I refused though, wanting to just be a chef on my own.

As prize for being in the top 5 was a bit of money and a reservation at a restaurant to celebrate, luckily for Luffy we we're able to bring as many people we wanted because he wanted to bring his whole crew! That's when it clicked in for me that he was a pirate. 

I spent the rest of the night with him and his crew, but I did not realize once I joined the competition I would make a friend like Luffy, especially joining his crew even though I refused earlier.

One piece ONE SHOTSTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang