~VII : Pell~

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It was a hot sunny day in the desert, which is perfect to go flower shopping for a friends wedding! :D 

Of course a lot of people that I knew gave me odd looks as if I wasn't thinking right, since it was mid summer and one of the more 'hotter' days. Who cares about that though. I'm behind on my shopping and I need to get it done fast as the day of the wedding is looming closer. 

So whatever my family member's and friends say how much that sounds like a dumb idea, I go ahead and grab my purse from the chair I was sitting in, finish drinking some water and I'm out the door and ready for some shopping! 

Luckily I made a list beforehand to know what exactly I need to get so I can finish this quickly. Fist off, I need a proper dress. To the clothing store then! 

I skip my way through the city to get to the plaza, but through my giddiness and me not paying attention to my surroundings, I trip on something or hopefully not, someone.

After a little while I open my eyes and look around myself to see if I hurt anyone and what I tripped on. It seems that I tripped myself with my sandals somehow laced together and I brought someone down with me and it's no other than Pell. Shit. 

I pick myself up as fast as I can and fix my sandals from being entangled together. Once finished with my frustrating sandals, I get up and profusely apologize to Pell for what I accidently done.

"You don't need to worry. I'm perfectly fine, see? I mean you're really the one who took the tumble, are you alright?" Pell says, playing off as if he didn't get dragged down by me and get hurt, but I can understand his part.

"Thank you, but I'm alright. Pesky sandals got caught together and I didn't notice."

"Are you in need of a new pair?"

"No not really. I just need to tie my sandals better next time." 

"That's good to hear, how are you doing anyways? I mean it has been a little while since we last spoke." 

"That's quite true. I mean I'm trying to go shopping for a friends wedding that's coming up."

"Oh? In this heat?"

"Yep! The perfect weather! Since I'll be staying inside most of the time anyways."

"But does sound like the heat would make the shopping worse to go through."

"Nah. Because it's so hot I'll be doing my shopping faster and get it over with so I can stay home in the shade from the burning sun."

"Seems a little odd, but do whatever you want. I forgot to ask, but who's getting married?"

"Oh! I'm not sure if you've met them yet, but it's the shop owner for the inn that's over at the dock their marrying one of the fishermen that works at the dock."

"Well that's great for them. Tell them congratulations for me."

"Will do. Hey, are you free today?"

"Actually, Yes. I am available today."

"Well, since I want another's opinion on certain things and because we've got a lot to catch up on, how about you join me with my shopping?"

"Well I don't have anything else to do, so why not? I'll join you."

"Thank you!" With that, I grab Pell's hand and rush our way towards our first stop on the list. Dresses. Of course I felt kind of bad to drag Pell into something bothersome, but he said he didn't mind. He also knows how to compliment someone. As I was trying on some dresses and showing them to him to see his opinion on how they looked, all he gave was compliments. (In which ultimately didn't help me decide.)

We went through the day helping me finish off whatever I had put on the list. Honestly though, the best part of my day was spending time with Pell again. We hung out together when we we're younger, but when he got into the palace and me doing my own job, we hung out less and less. Not to mention I had a huge crush on him and I'm definitely feeling those old feelings again. I haven't had so much fun like this in a little while and it was nice, I just wished the day didn't have to end. 

"Thanks a lot Pell for hanging out with me and helping me with shopping. I really enjoyed my day with you." I smile at him as I'm walking towards my front door. He walked me to my house which was really sweet of him.

"I won't lie, I enjoyed my day as well. I'm glad we we're able to catch up." He smiled back.

"Thanks again, Pell. Bye."

"Good bye, (Y/n)." I wonder if we'll meet again after today. I really hope so, but I have this unnerving feeling in my gut telling me that this might be the last time and I should ask him out and you know what, my mother always told me to go with my gut feeling. So I turn around.

"Hey Pell." He turned around when he heard me call his name, it was almost like he knew.

"Do you want to go out for a drink tomorrow? I mean it has been a while." He smiled at my request, I knew he was thinking the same.

"I would love to."

"Then it's a date." Once I blurted that out with my stupid grin slapped on my face, I ran inside before he could say anything else, also because I slightly embarrassed myself. 

I looked outside out of curiosity to see if he was still there, and he was. He face was red with a hand over his smile. After a few seconds he walked away. 

I got a date.


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