~II: Killer~

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I skip my way through town, happily enjoying my day. That's when I spot a flower shop and that's when I was reminded that I should get some flower's for a friends wedding that's coming up.

I cross the road to enter the flower shop and browse the store to see if any bouquet seem to pique my interest and that's when my eyes land onto a small, but adorable bouquet of pink and white peony's. Like I was destined to grab these flowers for the wedding. It seems that there's only one bouquet left and it's coming with me.

I rush to grab the bouquet to be stopped by a large man who seems to have his eyes also caught by the small bouquet of peony's. Shit, are we going to have to fight to see who gets the bouquet, cause if so I'm not going to win that fight if I'm fighting him.

I look at him, then I look back at the flowers and once again I look back up to look at the very tall masked stranger.

-"Are you thinking of getting this bouquet?" I wonder what's his response is going to be...

-"I was, but it seems you have you're heart set on it already." The somehow very kind man says.

-"Wait, are you sure you don't want to grab it."

-"That's okay, I mean this is a flower shop, there's a bunch of other flowers to choose from, go ahead." What is this man...or more like WHO is this man?!

-"Thank you!" I watch as the kind stranger walk away towards another buff man, they seem to be busy to find flowers. That's definitely not something you'll see everyday.

I walk my way to the catchier and pay for the flowers.


Once the wedding arrived, everything was hectic so many tasks to do and getting the bride and groom ready, getting the guests entertained for the time being. Everything was just too hectic while trying to get everything ready with a few other people.

It was just too much that you needed a quick break, you notify one of your friends that you'll take a 5 minute break. They nodded and gave you a thumbs up giving you the okay.

You sigh in relief as your back hits the neatest pillar. It was nice finally get a breather and letting your nerves calm down for a little bit. But sadly that was going to get thrown out of the window when someone approches you.

-"You seem exhausted." The stranger that approached to you says, with a oddly familiar voice. You can't place it to where you've heard that voice.

-"You have no idea, this wedding is so hectic." You say with a chuckle, but once you turned to look at the man that's when you found out why his voice was just so familiar.

It was the kind man at the flower shop.

-"You! You're the nice guy from the flower shop! I never thought you'd be coming to this wedding." The man chuckles at your reaction and oh boy does he look really good in a suit, but still got that mysterious white and blue striped mask on his face. Damn this is definitely not calming your nerves infact it's making them go haywire.

-"The groom's a good friend that me and my friend over there have known for a while." The oh so good looking stranger says.

-"Well I won't lie it's nice to see you again, but I didn't get the chance to say thank you last time, so thank you very much."

-"You don't have to thank me you know." The man chuckles, but that's when I realised I don't know his name.

-"Well I felt like it anyways. I just realised that I don't know your name."

-"it's Killer, you?"

-"(Y/n)." I say with a smile. That's also when it hit me there's a high probability that I've been talking to this man for more than 5 minutes. I look down and grab my phone to see that I've definitely been talking to this handsome man for much more longer than 5 minutes.

-"Shit! I gotta go back to work!"

-"Well I'll see you later then?"

-"Yes I'd love to see you again."

-"How about a date then?" For a second I taken aback by his words but a date would be nice with him.

-"I'd love that too." I say with a smile.


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