#2 Scenario: Sanji Vinsmoke x Reader

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The cake is a lie.

-watching Sanji cook or bake or really do anything in the kitchen is just mesmerizing.

-The way how he swiftly moves place to place, not even forgetting one thing in the kitchen that needs to be used.

-How he flips the pan to shuffle the cooking ingredients inside.

-How he mixes every ingredient together.

-He truly is a master chef.

-But oh you cannot lie, when he finishes doing his little moves inside the kitchen and finishes the meal. It's the best thing you can ever eat in your life.

-You can tell that at times when he tries to do something out of his comfort zone, he's very anxious about how it tastes. Hoping he did it just right.

-At times when someone (the girls) requests a certain meal, he'll usually taste it ti check if it's well made, but also will ask someone near by to check as well. (But like every time, he makes it amazing!)


Hey! Another scenario is out! I'm kind of happy how it went. I know it's a little on the shorter side of my usual one shots, but it's nice to have something like this once in a while.

Sadly I caught a cold so I did kind of put off my writing, but I got this out!

(I wrote this on my phone and if you spot any spelling errors, PLEASE TELL ME! I'm not really good at writing on my phone than my computer. Hopefully nothing's wrong!)

I hope you guys are doing awesome!

-Rin :)

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