#13: Eustass Kid x Reader

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New boss, new love~

~{You're Point of view}~

My boss has been pissing me off lately! I got promoted in the company that I work for, to be the new assistant to the CEO of the company. I have been working for him for a year now and my boss has been pissing me off! He may have good looks, but that doesn't help with how rude and arrogant he is! I mean he's known to have at least 6 assistants per year, because he's impossible to work with.

I've been working here for three months and he still calls me new girl! NEW FRICKING GIRL! I'm his assistant and I get that I'm supposed to help with some things and sometimes being the delivery girl, but he makes it excessive and impossible to complete. For the time I've been his assistant he's been giving me 3 times my usual work load that I had before and giving me an impossible deadline.

 For example I had to read, spell correct, and finish some final touches for 3 documents that have about 25-ish pages each filled to the brim and my deadline was to finish it before I leave work. That was in 4 hours! Of course that means that I have to work over time, but some times he would stay over and help? Which I just found odd. But he's only done it like 5 times now and it has only been happening recently. But if he knows that he's over working me why doesn't he give me more time before the deadline? 


It has been three months now since my little outburst and I've noticed some changes with my boss lately. He's been more kind and sincere. He notices my efforts and even stays more often with me while I work over time. It's so weird.

Don't get me wrong he's still a pain in the ass to deal with and still gives me hell with the deadlines and work, but has been nicer and more easier tolerate. 


Now it has been 2 months and what the hell is going on. I don't what happened but I think my boss was kidnaped and someone is impersonating him. He's been sweet, the deadlines are amazing, he's been giving me more tolerable work than giving me loads of it, he doesn't complain as much, he's been more calm too. What has happened to him?!

I mean he still has his usual persona of his, but it's like he's got more of a softer and sweeter side of him. The bigger news is that he's only doing it when he enters his office which is mine as well meaning he's being more sweet whenever he's around me. I mean he's like that with his friend Killer, but that's more friendship soft him? I guess? Around me it's different. I dunno if I'm thinking too hard on this, but it kind of makes me feel a bit special. :)


Okay, it has been 2 months. Again. And...wow. Before he had still he walls up, meaning he still wasn't too comfortable with me but he was just nicer and such, but now we're talking! And communicating! I got to know him a bit better too! 

You know before I hated my job and dreaded the though of coming to work everyday, but now I I wake up wanting to go to work! It's so lively and comfortable with him, we joke, flirt sometimes jokingly, and it feels like I'm talking to a friend.

Although I feel super comfortable around him and all, boy did I just find out that I may have some interest in him. Not a crush, interest.


5 weeks later and yup, it's a crush now. Crap. And it feels completely wrong to have the feelings about my boss. I have a fricking crush on my boss, whom is which the CEO of a pretty big company. This isn't good. Love and work doesn't go well at all, in fact it's frown upon office romance on it's own, so imagine something like this. Nah. Not going to work out at all. 


So I'd say after a month now that Kid and I are friends as he said so himself. Which was weird to think I'm friends with my boss, but eh. 

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