#17: X-Drake x Reader

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Requested by Mont-D'Orxoclover (on Ao3)

Modern AU

~{You're point of view}~

Today was supposed to be our big day. It was our anniversary and we've been planning for a week to have this great date and I was so excited to have this day.

But instead of having this great big date, I got stood up by my own boyfriend.

I sat there in the restaurant waiting for my own boyfriend to arrive, which is probably not going to happen.

The waitress does come by here and there, asking me if I'm ready to order, but I sadly have to ask for more time. After a while the waitress started to give me an apologetic look knowing all too well that I've been stood up.

I sigh. I look back at my phone again, seeing all the texts I've sent through the time I've been here. Nothing. I got nothing from not a 'can we cancel' or 'I'll be late' type of texts. He hasn't even seen the texts either. I stomach turns at the thought of all of this.

I look at my watch to see how long I've been here. 2 hours. I've been waiting for the guy for 2 hours. my heart drops. I mean this isn't my first time waiting for the guy and coming back home and finding out that he was with someone else. I feel like crying, gosh.

Just as I was about to leave and give up, a tall man sits in front of me.

-"Hello there, I've been sitting at the bar over there and I saw you here all alone this whole time. Did you get stood up?" Hearing the man say that I've been stood up made my heart hurt more. Was it that obvious? Just like that the water works came gushing out. I tried to stop myself from using my hands to prevent it, but I had no chance of stopping it.

-"Whoa, I didn't mean to hurt you. I just wanted to find out because I thought maybe I can be some comfort for you." The man was sweet and he seemed like a very kind and warm person. Maybe I can let him stay.

-"Sorry, but thank you. I would like to have someone around." I say not trying to have my voice croak while talking.

-"Okay, I'll stay. How about we go outside for some fresh air?" 

-"That sounds nice." I got off of the chair I had warmed up since I arrived and grabbed my coat. 

As I got off of my chair the man beside me did so as well. As we got out I felt the nice cool air hit my body.

-"By the way my name is Drake." The man named Drake says with probably the most heart warming smile I've ever seen.

-"The name's (Y/n). Thank you for tagging along."

-"No problem, (Y/n). Shall we walk?"

-"We shall."


The time I spent with Drake was quite nice, he is really a great listener and he helped with organizing my feelings. After that we decided to learn a little bit more about each other and such we found out a lot and we even had a few laughs too. We spoke about many things, not just about ourselves and boy did we laugh a bunch.

It was really nice to go outside and going on a walk, but it's even better if your with someone like Drake. 

Suddenly Drake stops in his tracks, I turn to see what made him stop so suddenly. He was looking at his watch.

-"What's wrong?" I say, worried that something might have came up that made him leave.

-"Oh nothing's wrong, I was just looking at the time and we've been in each other's company for 3 hours now. It just took me by surprise. I guess when you're with someone you like time seems to change." Drake smiles at me as I feel my face start to get a bit warm. 

-"Can I ask a question?" Drake suddenly says

-"Sure?" I say confused.

-"Can we go on another date? That's if you're up to it." Now it was Drake's time to be a little bit flustered.

-"Yes, I would love too. Here, it's my number." I say, handing him a piece of paper in my hand. He takes in a whips out his phone to put the number in his contacts. After a little while I get a 'ping' from my phone and it's him testing out if I got the text.

-"That's you're first text?! Why would you make your first text to me a dad joke!?" I laugh.

-"I wanted to do something that could make you smile, it seems that I have succeeded." Drake smiles at my outburst of laughter.

-"Well now since I've actually seen the time I should get back home. Thank you for everything Drake." 

-"You're welcome and thank you for coming along. Good bye, (Y/n)." We say our goodbyes and then we go our separate ways to get to our house. 

Then I suddenly get a 'ping' from my phone. Whom could be talking to me at right now? I pull out my phone and it's Drake, why didn't I think of that? What Drake sent me was when we could have another date. I smile to myself, gosh this guy...


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