~Spooks 1~

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Modern AU

~{You're point of view}~

It's about 5 in the afternoon and everyone has grouped up at Luffy's house. It was that time of year. Halloween. the time when you get to dress up in scary, or fun costumes to wear, getting free candy when you're young, going to parties and going to haunted houses for spooks. It's a fun holiday if you enjoy Halloween, but I have a feeling that this year it'll be full of anxiety as I worry that the others will probably get themselves into trouble. 

We're walking around in the neighborhood seeing a bunch of kids running around, Luffy knocking on doors to get his free candy and well...begging for more. Some haunted houses and such. But there was nothing too extravagant or anything and thank god nothing to worry about. 

-"HEY! Look at that!" Luffy tells, pointing at a large house that is brimmed with Halloween decorations and nothing like the cheep decorations. Oh no. They are well made and terrifying. 

Luffy runs towards the house and us chasing him so we don't loose sight of him. 

-"It's HUGE! Hey, look! It says enter if you dare!" Luffy crouches down to the sign in front of him.

-"I guess this is a haunted house then." Zoro adds

-"I'm not going inside!" Usopp yells. 

-"I agree! I am not going anywhere inside that house!" Nami agrees with Usopp.

-"Uh. Guys I think he's already gone inside." I mention, not able to see our captain anywhere.

-"You've got to be kidding me! LUFFY!" Nami yells.


-"Heh, this'll be interesting." Zoro mumbles. Seeming to be amused by this.

-"Nami-chan! I'll protect you!" Sanji swoons.

-"I guess we have no choice, but to go inside." Robin walks her way towards the house in search to find Luffy.

With that we all go inside in search to find our darn captain. Gladly we all decide to stay as a group so we don't loose even more people. We had asked Franky and Brook to stay outside so if Luffy did come out they would be with him.

-"Why is this place so creepy!" Usopp mentions.

-"Hush! I think someone is coming!" Nami says.

With that there was the sound of footsteps coming towards us, but the louder and closer they got the faster they went. When the footsteps sounded as if they we're right beside us nothing could be seen.

-"Nope! I'm out!" Usopp tries to leave the place, but suddenly something felt off about the place. 

-"Wait Usopp! We said we wouldn't separate!" I yell, trying to grab his shit that he was wearing.

-"GUYS!!" I could hear Chopper cries, but after I grabbed Usopp and looked back. I couldn't see the others anymore.

-"Usopp! Stop! We lost the others. I don't think this place is normal at all!"

-"What? We lost the others!?" With that he tried looking behind me to see the others, but instead it looked like a never ending hallway, with it's velvet red wallpaper and doors. It wasn't a well lit place either.

-"Usopp, promise me you'll stick by my side. Okay. I don't think we want to be alone in the house." 

-"Okay, sorry."

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