#6: Sanji x Reader

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I am always here to help.

Requested by : @VissionKid

Thank you so much for the request! :)

~{Your point of view}~

It just wasn't working at all. Every time I pick up my paint brush everything goes blank. Every time I stare at that white surface, it mocks me. What am I even doing with my life? I can't do a single painting. Am I just wasting my time? Should I quit and get a 'real' job like everybody else says? What should I do?!

It has been a week since I got into a slump of art block. Ever since I got stuck into this art block I haven't been able to do a single piece of art. Nothing. Not a single piece and I'm failing at my own job. The job that I called my hobby. Art was my safe place, my home, somewhere when I feel as if it's just me and the canvas. But not today. I put my paint brush down again, for the 7th time today. I angrily stare at this white fabric. What am I really doing?

-"Still can't paint, huh?" A soothing voice says behinds me. A voice I know all to well. Sanji. "I brought tea. Your favorite too~" Sanji says, handing me the warm mug. I chuckle. He always knows how to get my mind off of things. 

-"Thank you Sanji. I just can't figure out what to paint. I can't get inspiration for this piece and it's frustrating me." Sanji hums, understanding my anger and frustration. 

-"How about we leave this place for a little while? Maybe you can find your inspiration and come back with a clear mind? Bring your sketch book too, just incase you do find some ideas." Sanji sticks out his hand for me to grab. I do and he pulls me up into a warm soothing hug. It felt like he was a large warm blanket calming my muscles down. If I could, I would never let go.

-"Don't doubt yourself. I know that you are an amazing artist, just today things aren't going your way and that's okay. Stop beating yourself over it. I'll be waiting at the door." Just as he finishes saying his sentence he leaves the art room. I grab my bag and put my sketch book and pencil case inside it and I go downstairs.

~{Very short time skip?}~

-"Where are we going?" I ask, getting really curious on where we we're going.

-"Ah! It's a surprise! Let's just say you enjoy going there often." 

We walk through the city, as we're slowly walking to an area I know all to well. My favorite coffee shop. We order some drinks and walk our way somewhere to sit.

-"Why didn't I guess my favorite coffee shop when you said a place I enjoy going to often. But thank you, Sanji." I say with a smile, this was really lifting up my spirits.

-"No problem! I have to ask, what exactly is 'art block'?" Sanji asks, looking at me intently.

-"Well art block is often known for when someone has a period of time when they can't access their creativity and/or cannot created another piece of work." 

-"Well we're just gonna have to inspire you! How about you draw something you dearly love or enjoy?"

-"Hmmm...But then I'm going to have to think what are things that I love or enjoy..."

-"OH! I have an idea! How about you paint me! It doesn't have to be good or anything. But aren't I something you love or enjoy???" Sanji wiggles his singular eye brow when he says the last part, having a smirk on his face too. Making me chuckle.

-"I mean that isn't a bad idea...but how do I draw you?" We walk back to the counter as we hear our names for our drinks.

-"I'm not sure on that note." Sanji opens the door of the coffee shop and we walk outside.

We take a walk around town to see the scenery and still trying to figure out how to draw Sanji or if anything else inspires me. Then Sanji took a sudden stop to light a new cigarette and just at that moment seagulls fly by us. Then it hit me. I knew exactly what to draw. That white canvas will no longer mock me as I sit on my stool blackly staring at it. I quickly grab Sanji's hand and rush back home. I run upstairs and lock myself in this room to finish my painting once and for all. 

It took me a day to finish the painting. I was done. I was finally able to paint something. I was so happy. 


Well that was quick...I finished right after I published another work. Heh! I gotta say though Sanji is one of my favorite characters in One Piece. :) I hope you enjoyed the chapter @VissionKid ! I did have troubles writing this one. I also did get injured not too long ago, I still have the wound and I also got my third vaccine shot yesterday, so things been hectic lately. But I hope you have a great day!


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