125-Chansung: His First

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Title: His First

Ship: Chansung

A/N hi!! I realize my requests page isn't used as frequently as it used to be (which is fine), but I would love to hear from you guys what ships you would like to see more of before this book comes to an end! There are 74 oneshots left before I'll be forced to make a third book so please let me know!! And genres too!!

Chan grumbled as he stepped through the school hallways, flipping the upside down, side ways, and right side up to try and pin point where his next class was. Of course when this school's opening was announced his mother just had to enroll him for his last year. He should be roaming the halls like it's his own home by now, but no.

Chan gave up trying to figured out the map and shoved into one of the side pockets of his backpack. Instead, his eyes read the numbers above the doors of the classrooms. He just needed to find 607. He needed to get to his homeroom before the bell rang. If he took much longer, he'd be late. That was the last thing he wanted on his record at the moment. He didn't need those piling up yet. He needed to save those spots for when he slept in. Not because he couldn't find the damned classroom.

Finally his eyes met with the key number. Chan let out a sigh of relief as he walked through the open door. As if on cue, the minute bell rang, signaling for lingering students to get to their homeroom as quick as possible.

Chan scanned the already filling classroom for an empty seat. Anything in the back would do for him. His sleep schedule needed some nap time in his homeroom.

His eyes found one in the back corner, right next to the window that faced the soccer field. Chan squeezed his way through the seats and claimed the desk for himself.


Chan nearly jumped out of his skin at the greeting. He hadn't expected it. And clearly neither had the person who said it.

It was a boy with round cheeks and coconut shaped brown hair. He thinned his lips as Chan looked over at him, his wide eyes giving away his nervousness.

Chan gave him a soft smile as he finally sat in his seat. "Hi." He said. "I'm Chan, it's nice to meet you."

"I'm Jisung." He smiled, his wide eyes not giving away at the creases the fake smile gave. Chan could tell he was trying hard to seem confident and cool. He just happened to be unlucky that Chan specialized in reading body language.

"What grade are you in?" Chan asked. He kept his eyes on Jisung as long as the teacher would allow him too. The boy was pretty, and Chan couldn't help but succumb to his gay instincts. The way his eyes sparkled when he realized Chan was interested in speaking to him made Chan feel all giddy inside. How cute.

"I'm a sophomore. How about you?"

"I'm a senior."

His smile dropped and his eyebrows raised. "Senior. . . Oh wow."

Chan chuckled. "It's still weird saying that. It like yesterday when I was still a junior."

Jisung's smile returned, this time more authentic than it was fake. His teeth peaked out just a enough for Chan to get a glimpse of the pearly whites. He smile was beautiful. "Yeah, freshman year doesn't feel that far away, especially since I moved here."

"Those freshman got it lucky this year." Chan said. "Oh, to be an arrogant freshman again."

Jisung let out a giggle at Chan's dramatics. A beautiful sound that Chan longed to hear again as soon as it died down.

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