Chapter 23: Grief and justice.

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The air was heavy at the waiting room in Deaton's office, where Allison, Scott, Lydia, Alice, and Isaac sat in silence, waiting for the Doctor to deliver any news on their friend whose life was hanging by a thread. Stiles (who was very fragile himself), Kira, and Noshiko had gone to the Yukimuras' house to try and think what to do next and Flora and Jeffrey had gone to the Whittemores' house to give them the news about what had happenes with their daughter. Derek was inside, watching Deaton mix up plants and make bandages while Carolinne layed unconscious in the metal table in the center of the room.

When Paige had died, he'd held her in his arms, and he would never forget the sight of her during her last minutes. There was too much blood staining her clothes, her skin was pale, her lips were purple-ish and she was in pain. "I'm gonna die, aren't I?", she had asked him, and he couldn't bring himself to answer with words, so he'd just nodded. Now, Carolinne was lying there, too much blood on here clothes, pale skin, purple-ish lips and in pain. It didn't take a psychic to know how this would end.
-She's gonna die, isn't she? -He asked Deaton, not bothering to look up. And the doctor looked at him with sad eyes.

 And the doctor looked at him with sad eyes

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-I don't know, Derek. -He sighed. -I did what was in my power. I used everything I knew would help with the blood clotting, and I patched up her wounds to stop the bleeding, but now it's on her. All we can do is wait and hope her enhaced healing kicks in.
-"Wait and hope"... -He scoffed. He was getting tired of waiting, and he'd given up on hope 7 years ago.

They both walked outside, and the rest of the group all got up, thirsty for news on their friend.
-How is she? -Lydia asked. Deaton told them the same thing he'd told Derek. "Wait and hope".
-There's nothing else we can do? -Alice insisted.
-I'm afraid no, Alice. Just... Go home. One of you should take her to her parents.
-I'll do it. -Derek offered and no one argued.

There was nothing else to say, and it was pointless for them to just stay there, waiting painfully for something that would possibly never happen. So they did what the doctor said and went home.

Chris had gone to help Ethan and Aiden with the bullet wounds and the infection at Derek's loft, and he still wasn't home when Allison arrived, which left her alone with her thoughts. What would have happened if Carol hadn't pushed her out of the Oni's way? She would have died; her dad would have been left with no family, she wouldn't be able to explain to them how to kill an Oni. But none of that had come true; no, Allison was alive and well, and her best friend was paying the price.

She went in to take a shower, as if she could wash some of the pain and guilt along with the stress. The tears leaking from her eyes mixed with the continuous stream of scalding water that ran down her body. In the end, hot water was in deed enough to relax her muscles, but it definitely wasn't to ease her mind. When she got out, her father was already there.
-Hey. -He greeted.
-Hey, Dad. -She nodded at him and faked a formal smile.
-How are you doing?
-About as good as someone can be in a situation like this, I guess.
-And how is she?
-She's... -Allison threw her hands up in frustration. -Dying. -She sat on the coutch next to him and sighed deeply.
-Don't be like that... She's gonna make it.
-It should have been me, Dad.
-It should have been ME, the Oni was aiming at ME! But Care pushed me out of the way and didn't have time to save herself, so now she's DYING because she saved ME! -She vented.
-Hey, stop this. Carol was brave, like she always is, and she knew what she was doing when she saved you. We can't do anything to make sure she'll come out of this, but we can make her scarifice worth it. We might not be able to save her, but we are able to save Stiles, and you and I both know that this is what she wants us to do; she wants us to fight for him until the end.

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