Chapter 14: Leaders or Doctors, stay or go.

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-So, Jackson was born after his mom died by C-section. They had to pull him out of her dead body. -Stiles explained.
-But was it an accident or not? -Allison wondered.
-The word all over the report is "inconclusive".
-That's what my friend told me. -Carol confirmed.
-Then his parents could have been murdered? -Scott asked.
-And if they were, then it falls in line with the Kanima myth. You know, seeks out and kills murderers.
-But for Jackson, or for the person who's controlling him? -Allison questioned.
-Why would the person controlling him. want revange for the murder of his parents? I don't think it's related.
-We have to talk to him. We have to tell him. -Scott decided, and before any of them could say a word he was already on his way to the aisle where Jackson was with Matt, only to find out that Jackson wasn't there anymore. What he did see was a book on the floor and Matt layinh still with a familiar cut on the back of his neck. Out of the blues, Jackson jumped from the top of one shelf to the other, breaking a lamp in the process.
-Carolinne! Erica!
Both girls growled as Jackson kept jumping throught the shelves and breaking not only the lamps, but the ceiling itself. He managed to paralyze Erica and showed up half shifted behind Scott. He threw Scott a couple feet back and ignored Carolinne as she screamed his name desperatly. Eventually, he stopped by the board and started writing something. He was functioning like a machine, and when he finished writing, they could see the message: "STAY OUT OF MY WAY OR I'LL KILL ALL OF YOU". He jumped again and got out trough the window. Allison hugged Carol in an attempt to comfort her while Scott and Stiles helped Erica, who was having a seizure.
-Hey, we need to get her to a hospital.
-D, Derer, only to Derek. -Erica protested.
-When we get her to the hospital...
-To Derek. To Derek.
-I think the poison is affecting her ability to think straight. -Carolinne stated.
-Matt's alive, but we've got to call an ambulance. -Allison warned. -I'll do it, just go!
-One of us should stay with you! -Scott said. -This is not right.
-Guys, go. Go!

-I still don't understand why we're doing this.
-Carolinne, she needs help.
-I agree! From a professional. The rightq person to handle this is doctor Alan Deaton, why are we taking her to Derek?
-He's her Alpha.
-And Obama is the presindent. Still, we're not raking her to the White House, because when people have strong toxines in their bodies, we take them to doctors, not to their leaders!
-Just take me to Derek, please. -Erica mumbled.
-It's your call, girl! I just wanted to register the fact that you're making a stupid one.

-Pull her up! -Derek instructed when they got there.
-Is she dying? -Stiles asked.
-She migh, I... Which is why this is gonna hurt. -He broke her arm and she started screaming in pain.
-You broke her arm! -Stiles pointed the obvious.
-It'll trigger the healing process. I still gotta get the venom out, this is where it's really gonna hurt. -He pierced her skin with his claws, blood dripping from her arms as the screaming intensified. Eventually, it stopped:
-Stiles... -She said weakly. -Yoy make a good Batman. -Then, she fainted.
-Oh, my God.

A while after that, Erica was feeling better and Scott went to talk to Derek:
-You know who it is. -He said.
-You just wanted Erica to confirm it, didn't you?
Derek nodded and he continued:
-I'm gonna help you stop him. As part of your pack. If you want me in, fine. But we'll do it on one condition: we're gonna catch him, not kill him.
-And we do it my way.
Scott turned arround and left, just when Carolinne, who'd stayed in the bus to check on Erica one last time, came out. The tension as she walked by Derek was nearly solid. To say that working toghether like this would be unconfortable would be an understatement, which is why he said:
-Are we gonna talk about it eventually?
-There's nothing to talk about.
-Look, now that you're part of the pack--
-I'm sorry, now that what?
-Scott just said that you guys are joining us.
-No, Scott said that he is joining you, and he speaks for himself, only. Whatever deal he made with you, I'm not part of it.
-Don't you want to help your brother?
-More than anything. Which is exactly why I won't team up with the same guy who wanted to kill him until five minutes ago.
-I already told Scott I'm not killing him.
-Just like you'd told him that there was a cure. And then you told both of us that you'd help us catch the Alpha, but when we found out who it was, you switched sides. Then you told Peter you'd help him, but in the end, you were the one who slashed his throat, which was actually the right thing to do, and I totally understand that one, but the point is, your word doesn't guarantee anything. Last time I saw you, you made Jackson nearly choke on his own blood, so I have no reason to believe you won't do the same thing again when you have other chance.
-I may have lied about the cure, but as for switching sides, I was siding with my family, just like you are now! Peter was the last living Hale out there. And as you said, in the end I did kill him.
-After you betrayed me and my friends. You sumonned Jackson to your house only to kill him! That's playing dirty.
-Oh, you wanna talk about playing dirty? How about the little show you pulled off that night at Scott's house, huh? The one in which you incorporated the demon who ruined my life!
-You wanted my best friend dead, I had no choice.
-It would have been bad enough if she'd "only" set the fire, but there was more to it, and YOU know it. YOU, of all people, were more than aware of how twisted that game was, and yet you didn't hesitate to play it.
-Damn right, I didn't. But that doesn't mean I wasn't feeling bad about it. Derek, I'm sorry for the trauma that Kate has put you through, I'm sorry for everything that Peter did to you and your sister, and I'm am sorry that all of this led to you having such a questionable sense of loyalty. But I am not sorry for using the only thing I have against you to save the people I love from dying by your hands.
He looked deep into her eyes. They were not cold as most of the time those days. They were filled with determination and an almost unoticeble hint of pain. Because deep down, she was in pain; Pain for beimg betrayed, pain for having to rip open his deepest scar, pain for what was happening to her brother. But she wouldn't let that pain stop her from doing whatever she was capable of to save Jackson.
-Are we done here? -She broke the silence. Part of him wanted to ask her to stay, and part of her was hoping he would. But intead he just said:
-Sure. You can go.
And she did. Maybe she shouldn't have, but both of them were too tired to see where that would end.

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