Chapter 8: Infection, Argents.

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They decided that it would be better for her to join them un the jeep, since Stiles could use some help. So (much against her will), she parked her motorbike back in the school and got inside the blue jeep, trying to get comfortable in the backseat.
-Why am I here exactly?
-To help me in case something happens.
-"Something". Right.
About 15 minutes later, Stiles decided to ask Scott if he'd already found the bullet. Scott said that he needee more time.
-Look, it's not that easy. He can't just get to his girlfriend's house and say "Hi, your aunt is a werewolf hunter. Can I ckeck on her bullets? By the way, I'm a werewolf."- Carol tried.
Stiles just snorted. Then he looked at Derek and warned:
-Hey, try not to bleed out on my seats, okay? We're almost there .
-Almost where?- Derek asked, sounding half dead.
-Your house.
-What? No, you can't take me there.
-I can't take you to your own house?
-Not when I can't protect myself.
Stiles then stopped on the side of the street.
-What happens if Scott doesn't find your little magic bullet? Hm? Are you dying?
-Not yet. I have a last resort.
-What do you mean? What last resource?
Derek pulled his sleeve and showed the wound.
-OH my God, what is that? Oh is it contagious? You know what, you should propably just get out.
-Diseases are contagious, Stiles. That's a bullet wound!- Carol said from the backseat.
-Have you seen this?! It looks, it looks infected.
-It's not infected it's poisoned.
-Start the car. -Derek demanded.- Now.
-I don't think you should be barking orders with the way you look, okay? In fact, I think if I wanted to, I could probably drag your little werewolf ass out, in the middle of the road, and leave you for dead.
-Start the car. Or I'm gonna rip your throat out. With my teeth.
Stiles seemed to analyze the possibility for a second. Then he started the car.
-Dude, we have to go somewhere!
-What about my house?- Carol suggested. Both guys looked at her like she was saying something absurd.
-What? My parents are at work amd Jackson is with Lydia. We'll be home alone, and it's more comfortable then your jeep.
-Hey, Roscoe is very comfortable! But fine then, Whittemore house it is.

Didn't take long for them to get there, but it wasn't easy to get Derek inside. He was getting weaker as the wolfsbane spreaded in his body. Once they were inside, Stiles and Derek sat in the living room and Carolinne went to the kitchen. Then she came back with towels and ice.
-There is a poisoned bullet in my freaking arm and you bring me ICE? SERIOUSLY?
-Don't talk to me like it makes no sense, ok? For what I understand, you die when the wolfsbane reaches your heart. Is that right?
-Well, ice constricts blood vessels and decreases the blood flow, so it will slow down the process. Meaning Ice=time. Now excuse me and give me that arm.
Admitting she was right made him pretty annoyed, but now wasn't the time to play stuborn, so he agreed in letting her help.
-Why didn't I think of that before?- Stiles questioned.
-Because you were too busy worring about a contagious bullet wound.
He opened his mouth to say something, but there wasn't much to be said so he just shut it again and crossed his arms, which won him a sarcastic smile from her.

They stayed there for arround an hour and a half. Derek hadn't gotten any worse, but the sun was gone and Scott hadn't said anything yet.
-So, when I sugested we'd come here, I didn't think Scott was going to take this long. My dad's coming home soon, so we have to go somewhere else.
-I'm gonna call Scott, see if he's got something.
When Scott picked up, Stiles asked very annoyed:
-So? Anything yet?
-No. I'm sorry, I have no idea how to do this!
-What are we supposed to do with him?
-Take him somewhere, anywhere! Where are you?
-Carolinne's. But Mr. Whittemore is coming here now, so we need to leave. And by the way, he's starting to smell like death.- Stiles complained, winning a glare from Derek and a "STILES?!" from Carol.
-Okay, take him to the animal clinic.
-What about your boss?
-He's gone by now. There's a spare key in the box behind the dumpster.
-You're not gonna believe where he's telling me to take you.- He handed the phone to Derek.
-Did you find it?
-How am I supposed to find one bullet? They have a million. This house is like... The freaking Wallmart of guns.
-If you don't find it, then I'm dead, alright?
-I'm starting to think that woudn't be such a bad thing.
-Then think about this. The Alpha called you out against your will. And he's going to do it again. Next time, you're either gonna kill him, or get killed. So if you wanna stay alive, you need me. Find the bullet.- He warned, and then turned off.
-Where are we going now?
-He told us to go to the Animal Clinic. There is a...
-A sapare key in the the box behind the dumpster. Yeah, I know.
-Oh. Right. I've learned not to ask you how or why you know things, but you've never broken into the Animal Clinic, have you?
-No, Stiles. I saw Scott put it there when we left toghether one night. Now, are we going or what?
Just when they got there, Scott texted Stiles.
-Derek, does Nordic Blue Monkshood mean anything to you?
-It's a rare form of wolfsbane. He has to bring me the bullet.
-Because I'm gonna die without it.
Stiles and Carolinne exchanged a quick look before she said:
-Out of all kinds of Aconite, this lady had to use a rare, Scandinavian, complicated one?
-The whole point was to kill me.
-I'm aware of that. Not a very practical way of killing, I must say.
-I just texted Scott to come Asap.
They hoped that Scott would get there before Derek had to use his "last resort", whatever the hell that meant. But 20 minutes had passed and no sign of Scott, so they walked insode the clinic, where Derek took his shirt of (was now a bad time to notice his muscles? Because damn, he had muscles. Not that she was impressed. She wasn't. Maybe a little.) and left the wound exposed.
-You know, that really doesn't look like anything some echinacea and a good night of sleep couldn't take care of. -Stiles tried.
-When the infeccion reaches my heart, it'll kill me.
-Positivity just isn't in your vocabulary, is it?
Derek was messing through the cabinets and drawers, looking for something.
-If he doesn't get here with the bullet in time, last resort...
-Which is...
-You're gonna cut of my arm. -He explained, after finding what he was looking for. A bone saw.
-Oh, uh- Stiles stutterd.- Oh my God! What if you bleed to death?
-It will heal if it works. -Derek was already tying his arm.
-That's a ver big "IF" you have right there, bud. -Carol warned. -Are you sure that's the only way?
-Yes. I'm sure.
-Okay then.
Stiles sighed heavily.
-Look, I don't know if I can do this. -He sounded nauseous.
-Why not?- Derek asked, as if cutting an arm off was the easiest thing in the world.
-Well, because of the cutting through the flesh, the sawing of the bone, and specially the blood!
-You faint at the sight of blood?- Derek sounded dissapointed.
-No. But I might at the sight of a chopped-off arm!
Derek sighed and said:
-Okay, how about this? Either you cut off my arm
-I'll do it. -Carol offered.
Just when she said that, he threw up a black liquid, making Stiles nearly puke.
-Holy God! What the hell is that?- He asked in a squeaky voice.
-It's my body. It's trying to heal itself.
-Well, it's not doing a very good job of it.
-Carolinne, you gotta do it now.
-Okay. The bone saw. -Nothing. -STILES!
-What? Oh, here.
-Okay... Let's do this.
She took a heavy breath before turning the bone saw on, and she was about to do it when...
-Scott?- She and Stiles called at the same time?
-What the hell are you doing?!- He asked Carol when he got there.
-I was saving his life here, ok?
-Oh you just prevented a lifetime of nightmares.- Stiles tolf him, relieved.
-Did you get it?- Derek asked.
Scott took the bullet in his pocket and handed it to him.
-What are you gonna do with it?- Stiles questioned.
-I'm gonna...
But he didn't finish talking, because he passed out. And dropped the bullet. In the drain.
-No no no no no!
Scott tried to get it back, but his fingers coudn't reach it.
-Let me try. I have longer nails.
Carolinne laid where Scott was and tried to get the bullet, while Stiles tried to wake Derek up. She did it. He... Well he punched Derek. And it worked.
-Give me that. -Derek demanded.
They helped him get up and Scotr gave him the bullet again. He then broke it with his teeth, took the content, lit it on fire, and put it in the wound. He was screaming in pain for a few seconds but it worked.
-That. Was. AWESOME! Yes! -Stiles celebrated.
-I KNOW, RIGHT?!- Carol said with a victory smile.
Scott looked at them like they were crazy. Which they were.
-Are you okay?- He asked Derek.
-Except for the agonizing pain?
-I'm guessing the ability to use sarcasm is a good sign of health.
-That would make you the healthiest person in the world, Stiles.
-Oh look who's talking. As far as I can remember we were both king and queen of sarcasm and irony.
-We always will be!- She said, and they both laughed as Scott and Derek stared at the scene.
-Ok, we saved your life. -Scott started. -Which means you're gonna leave us alone. You got that? And if you don't, I'm gonna go back to Allison's dad and I'm gonna tell him everything.
-You're gonna trust them? You think they can help you?
-Why not? They're a lot freaking nicer than you are!
Derek stared at him in disbelief.
-Yeah. I can show you exactly how nice they are.
-What do you mean?
-Come and I'll show you.
Now they were at a place called Beacon Hills Crossing Home. There, Derek took them to a room where a man was sitting in a wheelchair.
-Who is he?
-My uncle. Peter Hale. -He was looking sadly at the man in fron of them.
-Is he like you? A werewolf?
-He was. Now he's barely even human. Six years ago, my sister and I were at school. Our house caught on fire. Eleven people were trapped inside. He was the only survivor.
-So, what makes you so sure that they set the fire?
-Cause they were the only ones that knew about us. -Was all he said. No need to spill out the "And I was seeing one of them in seecret which made it all much easier" part.
-Then... They had a reason.
-What the f*ck Scott?!- Carol asked. -A reason? To burn a whole family to death?
-Well I don't know...
-A reason like what?- It was Derek's turn to ask. -You tell me what justifies this.
He turned the wheelchair, revealimg the other sideof Peter's body, completely covered in burns.
-They say they'll only kill an adult, and only with absolute proof. But there were people in my family that were peefectly ordinary in that fire. This is what they do. And it's what Allison will do.
-Leave Allison out of this. -Carol tried. -She doesn't know anything about this.
He looked at her like she was the most innocent person in the world for thinking that. And maybe she was. But Allison was her friend, and she's stand up for her no matter what. Then a nurse showed up and they left. At least for that day, they'd done enough.

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